BBS in a Box 2
BBS in a box - Trilogy II.iso
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Name = 2 Book Reviews
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:2 Book Reviews
Size: 16K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
2 Book Reviews - This is a short review of two recent releases from
Peachpit Press. First is "Silicon Mirage-The Art and Science of Virtual
Reality," a book which tells you everything you wanted to know about this
fascinating subject. The second book is "The Little System 7.1 Book,"
basically a new edition of the popular book by Kay Yarborough Nelson.
Included with the text file is a striking EPS graphic of a person wired for
a virtual reality experience. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = 2 Game Reviews
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:2 Game Reviews
Size: 5K Date:12/23/92 Version:
2 Game Reviews - Rise of the Dragon is a "Blade Runner" type of sci-fi
detective adventure with great graphics and some interesting game twists.
Mutant Beach has flashy graphics and music, and combines arcade action with
problem solving.
Name = 3G Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:3G Review
Size:121K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
3G Review by Lea Bromley. Here’s another award-winning clip art package
from the folks at 3G Graphics!! This package contains 6 disks full of
well-designed images (Encapsulated PostScript format). I enjoyed 3G’s other
images (Business, Accents & Borders, and Graphics & Symbols) so much that I
jumped at the chance to see and use their newest collection. “People 1” is
loaded with useful images. I attached some samples to this article but
please note that there are over 200 images included in this set. Besides
all the great EPS clip art, there is a User’s Guide with all sorts of
helpful tips, hints and ideas. It explains how to use the images to best
Name = 4 New Peachpit Press Books
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:4 New Peachpit Press Books
Size: 55K Date:10/28/93 Version:
4 New Peachpit Press Books - I recently made up a list of recommended books
to give to a designer who was just getting started on the Mac. She needed
to familiarize herself with basic Mac operating system usage and computer
typography conventions, as well as the major Mac design applications -
FreeHand, Photoshop, and QuarkXPress. After listing eight or ten books, I
made a surprising discovery - all of the books on my list were published by
Peachpit Press. Coincidence? What if I had to recommend books on PageMaker,
Microsoft Word, Claris Works, or FileMaker Pro — or even more esoteric
topics such as macros, font management, or resource editing? Holy mackerel,
Peachpit Press has it all! Find out what their latest releases are!
Name = 4 from Peachpit
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:4 from Peachpit
Size: 9K Date: 4/09/92 Version:
4 from Peachpit - Reviews of four new books from Peachpit Press, the
publisher of many of the best Mac books. Included are, The Little Mac Word
Book, QuarkXPress Tips and Tricks, Desktop Publishing Secrets, Zen and the
Art of Resource Editing. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Nwsltr Aldus proofed ky
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Nwsltr Aldus proofed ky
Size: 5K Date: 5/10/90 Version:
Proofed by KY
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:"ALEX"TEXT
Size: 2K Date: 4/30/90 Version:
Text describing ALEX
Name = ALSoft Power Util Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:ALSoft Power Util Review
Size: 43K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
ALSoft Power Util Review - ALSoft Power Utilities is a set of utilities for
the Mac that is similar to other sets of utilities like Norton and Now and
HAND-Off. Is it better, is it worth the money it costs? This is a
comprehensive review of all of the components of the set. It tells it like
it is! It is a Word 5.0 file, captions and 11 figures. It appears in the
June, 1992 issue of the MacValley Voice, newsletter of the MacValley Users
Group, Burbank, CA.
Name = A.M.E. Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:A.M.E. Review
Size: 5K Date:12/02/90 Version: 2DEC90
Access Managed Environment Review
A three page review of Casady & Greene's A.M.E. security software
package for inclusion in the newsletter. Frank
Name = AMUG •Redux Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AMUG •Redux Review
Size: 8K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
AMUG •Redux Review - This is a review of Redux by Frank Turovich. Other
user groups may reprint provided they provide the author a copy.
Name = AMUG 1985
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AMUG 1985
Size: 7K Date:12/13/90 Version:
And that's the way it was..........Five years ago with AMUG.
by Dorman Bullard
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AMUG HAT
Size: 38K Date:11/20/90 Version:
AMUG Hat Design by Gary Fields!
Name = AMUG Slide Ad
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AMUG Slide Ad
Size: 49K Date:11/27/89 Version:
Name = AMUG93 Indexes
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AMUG93 Indexes
Size: 6K Date: 2/16/93 Version: 93
AMUG93 Indexes - this is the listing of Articles in the AMUG Newsletter for
Name = AOL Article
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AOL Article
Size: 23K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
AOL Article - America Online - I’m writing this article for the benefit of
all of those who, like me, have managed to ignore the online services
available to computer users. Friends have been telling me for years that I
ought to sign up for one of the national services—Compuserve, GEnie, etc.
Reprinted from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users
Group. It may be reprinted in a single issue of newsletters published by
non-profit user groups. Payment shall consist of a single issue of the
newsletter in which the article appears.
Name = AOL Kit & Guide review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AOL Kit & Guide review
Size: 32K Date:11/13/92 Version:
AOL Kit & Guide review - Review of Tom Lichty's new book, The Official
America Online Membership Kit & Tour Guide. As a super-duper bonus, I'm
throwing in a fun, original illustration to go with the article. If you use
the illustration, please give credit to the author, (that's me, Terry
Wilson) since I also drew the picture.
Name = ARTicle text
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:ARTicle text
Size: 4K Date:11/14/89 Version: Original
ARTicle by Kathy Yoder about artwork submitted for Digest.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:ASTRIX REVIEW
Size: 4K Date:11/28/90 Version:
This is a review of the astrology propgram ASTRIX for the AMUG Newsletter
by Jacci Hall.
Name = About FileMaker Nutshell
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:About FileMaker Nutshell
Size: 73K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
About FileMaker Nutshell - this file contains a special offer of a book
about filemaker by Maria Langer. For more info on this special offer
downlaod this file.
Name = About Shareware Emporium
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:About Shareware Emporium
Size: 66K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
About Shareware Emporium - this file contains a special offer of a book
about Shareware by Maria Langer. For more info on this special offer
downlaod this file.
Name = Across-electronic-frontier
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Across-electronic-frontier
Size: 6K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Across-electronic-frontier - Across the Electronic Frontier - Over the last
50 years, the people of the developed world have begun to cross into a
landscape unlike any which humanity has experienced before. It is a region
without physical shape or form. It exists, like a standing wave, in the
vast web of our electronic communication systems. It consists of electron
states, microwaves, magnetic fields, light pulses and thought itself.
Whatever it is eventually called, it is the homeland of the Information
Age, the place where the future is destined to dwell. This is an Electric
Frontier Foundation article.
Name = AddDepth Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AddDepth Review
Size:127K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
AddDepth Review - A new release from Ray Dream Software, addDepth creates
three-dimensional graphics from 2D shapes. The end result is a PostScript
drawing (as opposed to a fixed bitmap), which can be edited in Illustrator
or FreeHand. The program is fast and easy to use. Several EPS examples are
included, as well as a number of screen shots. There is also a comparison
with Adobe Dimensions, including a chart of features. Although the download
time is a bit longer than many articles posted here, the material is
complete and the graphics make it worthwhile. Reprinted from Mac Monitor,
newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Adobe Premiere Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:Adobe Premiere Review
Size:116K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 2.0
Adobe Premiere Review - This is a review of Adobe Premiere, the powerful
video editor. It appears as the feature review in the March 1993 MacValley
Voice, newsletter of the MacValley Users Group, Burbank, CA. It has 4
figures with captions. The review is in Text as well as MS Word 5.1
formats. It takes about 2 - 3 pages in a newsletter.
Name = AgentDA
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AgentDA
Size: 27K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
AgentDA - This is a review of a handy time management-scheduling DA called
AgentDA. It is a featured article in the June 1993 issue of the Voice,
newsletter of the MacValley Users Group, Burbank, CA. It is in TEXT and
Word 5 formats. There are 5 figures in PICT format. It requires about 3
pages in a newsletter if the figures are used.
Name = "Alex" Scan
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:"Alex" Scan
Size: 7K Date: 4/30/90 Version:
Alex Scan...
Name = Alice text
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:Alice text
Size: 8K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Alice text - contains info on the CD-ROM/Book Alice to Ocean. This disk
covers the travels of a young lady and her camels as they cross Austraila
twenty years ago. Nice Photo CD and Mac interface.
Name = Apple 12/26
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:Apple 12/26
Size: 8K Date: 1/01/93 Version:
Apple 12/26 - Newsletter news filler for 12-16-92.
Name = AutoDoubler/TimesTwo
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:A:AutoDoubler/TimesTwo
Size: 14K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
AutoDoubler/TimesTwo - The compression wars continue! This review of two of
the most recent data compression programs begins with a brief history and
explanation of the subject, then goes into a close look at the two
products. (CopyDoubler and AIC are covered in the AutoDoubler section.)
TimesTwo is the new cat in town, offering driver level compression. Each
method has its strengths and weaknesses. Several illustrations are
included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, award-winning newsletter of The
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = B & P - JUN 90
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P - JUN 90
Size: 6K Date: 4/30/90 Version:
June 90 issue of B&P from Dorman Bullard
Name = B & P April 90
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P April 90
Size: 12K Date: 3/04/90 Version:
Gary: Here's my Bits & Pieces article for the Aril Newsletter.
Name = B & P 7/90
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P 7/90
Size: 22K Date: 5/29/90 Version:
Bullard's Bits and Pieces article for the July Digest
Name = B & P Apr 92
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P Apr 92
Size: 10K Date: 4/09/92 Version:
This is the Bits and Pieces article by Dorman Bullard of the Arizona
Macintosh Users Group for April 1992. Other MUG's may reprint it provided
the author and AMUG receive a copy at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ
Name = B & P Feb 92
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P Feb 92
Size: 8K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
This is the Feb. 92 issue of Bits & Pieces by Dorman Bullard. This article
is a reprint from AMUG News. Other User Groups may reprint this article
provided AMUG and the author recieve credit and a copy of any reprints at
718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = B & P Jan 92
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P Jan 92
Size: 10K Date:12/10/91 Version:
This is a reprint from the AMUG Newsletter of Bits and Pieces for January
1992. Other User Groups may reprint this article provided AMUG and the
author are provided a copy and credit at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ
Name = B & P Mar 92
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P Mar 92
Size: 21K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
This is the March 92 issue of Bits & Pieces by Dorman Bullard. This article
is a reprint from AMUG News. Other User Groups may reprint this article
provided AMUG and the author recieve credit and a copy of any reprints at
718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = B & P May 92
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P May 92
Size: 10K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
This is the Bits and Pieces article for May 92 in the AMUG Newsletter. This
article is by Dorman Bullard and is a reprint from the Arizona Macintosh
Users Group News. Other Users Groups may reprint provided the author is
given a copy of any reprints.
Name = B & P Outlines
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:B & P Outlines
Size: 87K Date: 4/14/93 Version:
B & P Outlines - This outline contains Bits and Pieces Columns by Dorman L.
Bullard as printed in the Arizona Macintosh Users Group (AMUG) Newsletter.
Any excerpt may be reprinted by other Macintosh Users Groups if conspicuous
credit is given to the author and to the AMUG Newsletter. A copy of the
publication reprinting any exerpt would be appreciated. Mail to AMUG, c/o
Dorman L. Bullard, 726 E. 7th Place, Mesa, AZ 85203.
Name = BBS ARTICLE - Jul'90
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:BBS ARTICLE - Jul'90
Size: 8K Date: 4/30/90 Version:
BBS overall article for July Digest '90
Name = Battle of BritainReview
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Battle of BritainReview
Size: 32K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
Battle of Britain a review by Don Schmid. I've never been much of a
computer game player. I don't have the reflexes for the high-speed
arcade-type games nor the patience for the text and strategy games. And I
never seem to have enough time either. But this past Christmas, I decided
to get some software to play. Unfortunately, the Macintosh universe of
game software is small compared that for DOS machines. It was hard to find
something I would like. Being 40, the sound of "Battle of Britain" was
appealing–a combat flight simulator which wasn't a jet requiring youthful
reflexes. Or so I thought.
Name = BigDummy.txt
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:BigDummy.txt
Size:139K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
BigDummy.txt - Welcome to the Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet (in text
format). The idea was to write a guide to the Internet for folks who had
little or no experience with network communications. This guide is
posted in ASCII and HyperCard formats (look in the HyperCard section). This
guide, which is over 100 pages, includes - Setting up/getting
connected/jacking in, a list of public-access sites, E-Mail, Usenet I and
II, Mailing Lists and Bitnet, Telnet, FTP, Gophers, WAISs and the
World-Wide Web, Advanced E-Mail, News of the World, IRC, MUDS and stuff,
Lingo and more. This file is produced by the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, and will be updated.
Name = Books, Books, Books
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Books, Books, Books
Size: 5K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
Books, Books, Books - This is a set of brief reviews of six recent
additions to the Mac Bookshelf. Many of the books deal with graphic design
and techniques (MacDraw Pro, T-shirt designs, etc.) Peachpit Press' new
Smiley book is also covered. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The
Savannah Macintosh Users Group. See Books, Books (picts) for book
cover scans uploaded separately.
Name = Books, Books (pics)
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Books, Books (pics)
Size:306K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
Books, Books (pics) - These are the book covers for the books which were
reviewed in Books, Books, Books, which is a set of brief reviews of six
recent additions to the Mac Bookshelf. Many of the books deal with graphic
design and techniques (MacDraw Pro, T-shirt designs, etc.) Peachpit Press'
new Smiley book is also covered. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of
The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Broken Trash
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Broken Trash
Size: 46K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
Broken Trash - A two-page article about the travails of upgrading your
system software. Jeanne has a light, humorous style that makes for
delightful reading. Takes up 1-1/2 to 2 pages. First appeared in May 93
PMUG Dialog (Princeton, NJ). Included is an EPS illustration by Terry
Wilson of various startup icons heading into the pool!
Name = Building the Open Road
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Building the Open Road
Size: 25K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Building the Open Road - Building the Open Road- The NREN as a Test-Bed for
the National Public Network. A debate has begun about the future of
America's communications infrastructure. At stake is the future of the web
of information links organically evolving from computer and telephone
systems. By the end of the next decade, these links will connect nearly all
homes and businesses in the U.S. They will serve as the main channels for
commerce, learning, education, and entertainment in our society. The new
information infrastructure will not be created in a single step. This
article, distributed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, digs into the
Name = Bum Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Bum Review
Size: 7K Date: 2/23/92 Version:
A Bum Review……and Other News of DesignStudio, Letraset, and Others. By Jim
Alley of SMUG. Letraset, DesignStudio, and Ready,Set,Go have been prominent
in the news recently. Considering the nature and the magnitude of the
changes facing both the company and its products, we felt a review of the
events of the last few months would be in orderlast few months would be in
order. The November issue of Macworld ran a review of DesignStudio by Steve
Roth which was so far off base that many readers wrote to complain. Here
are a few excerpts from over 20 pages of comments posted on America Online.
Name = BushWacker2-93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:BushWacker2-93
Size:183K Date: 2/23/93 Version: 2-93
BushWacker2-93 - this is the Bushwacker newsletter for February 1993.
Name = CD & Modem Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:CD & Modem Review
Size: 46K Date: 1/02/91 Version:
This is a review of CD Rom's and the Viva low cost 2400 baud modem by
Dorman Bullard for the AMUG Newsletter.
Name = CD ROM art.old -revised
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:CD ROM art.old -revised
Size: 34K Date:12/10/91 Version:
This is a revised review of CD ROM tech by Dorman Bullard and the AMUG News
team. Other User Groups may reprint the review provided AMUG and the author
recieve credit and a copy of any reprints at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert,
AZ 85234.
Name = Class annoucement
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Class annoucement
Size: 4K Date: 3/16/90 Version:
Announcement of the Beginner's classes. to be taught by D. Bullard
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:CLASSIC II REVIEW
Size: 30K Date: 1/01/92 Version:
A review of the Classic II. Includes a bar chart (exported to EPS)
comparing the Classic II and the SE/30. I've also included the original
DeltaGraph data file if you want to add your own tests. From the
Mid-Columbia Macintosh Users Group in Tri-Cities, Wash.
Name = Copyright notice
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Copyright notice
Size: 2K Date: 5/27/90 Version:
Gary: This is the Copyright notice that has to go with Steve Kahn's
excerpt from his book. Hope getting this to you this late is not a
Name = Canvas 3 review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Canvas 3 review
Size: 29K Date: 4/09/92 Version:
Canvas 3 review provided from the Arizona Macintosh Users Group Newsletter.
Other MUG's may reprint it provided the author and AMUG receive a copy at
718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Caslon Font Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Caslon Font Review
Size: 3K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Caslon Font Review - This review looks at Caslon 337, an "expert set" from
Giampa Textware. Find out why Giampa's keyboard layout makes it so much
easier to use than Adobe's expert sets. Reprinted from Mac Monitor,
newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Centris Magic
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Centris Magic
Size: 49K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
Centris Magic - One and a half page article about the magical thing a first
computer is, and recapturing that magic five years later with the new
Centris. Comes with an eps illustration by Terry Wilson of the Centris with
toasters flying out of it. Nice drawing, like a hand-drawn job; not like a
computer generated drawing. Please give credit to Terry Wilson for the art
if you use it.
Name = Cheshire
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Cheshire
Size: 13K Date:11/06/91 Version:
Cheshire Review by Ralph Richardson. If charts we're fast food Cheshire
would be the pizza man. In other words you no longer have to send out for
charts because with Cheshire they're home delivered fresh to your favorite
program. That is if your favorite program happens to be MacWrite II, Word,
MacDraw, or DeskDraw - and even if they aren't you can save them as picts
or paste them into another program after creating them within one of these.
This review is from the AMUG News team and may be reprinted by other User
Groups provided the author and AMUG are given credit and a copy of any
reprints at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = ClickChange Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:ClickChange Review
Size: 12K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
Click Change Review - ClickChange Review © 1992 by Brady Johnson, Motor
City Macintosh User Group. This file was provided for BBS in a BOX by Wendy
Marchuck. Contact The Motor City Macintosh User Group for more info at,
P.O. Box 2513, Dearborn, MI 48123, MacMania BBS: (313) 278 - 8578. MCMUG is
a user group with enthusiastic volunteers. We are quite easy-going and
friendly, yet also ambitious in providing excellent resources for
assistance to the Macintosh community. We currently have over 300 members
living across the U.S. We welcome all those interested in joining us to
please write us to request our Membership Information brochure.
Name = Clip Art Catalogs
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Clip Art Catalogs
Size: 77K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
Clip Art Catalogs - As your collection of clip art grows, your ability to
keep track of it fails. There have been a number of programs that have been
offered as a solution to this problem, and this review discusses the most
recent. Aldus Fetch and Kudo Image Browser are for folks with thousands of
images, but Now Scrapbook may be a good choice for those with more modest
needs. Several illustrations are included in this frank discussion, which
is reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users
Name = Compressors Compared
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Compressors Compared
Size: 5K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
Compressors Compared - If you don't believe that any program can replace
Compact Pro or Stuffit, then check this out. Here are the results of an
experiment that I ran to compare Compact Pro, Stuffit, DiskDoubler, and
AutoDoubler. This Excel spreadsheet details the results of that experiment,
showing the % savings for each program and the speed of
Name = Compressors Compared!
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Compressors Compared!
Size: 14K Date: 9/09/91 Version:
Compctr Deluxe - A Good One Gets Better (But So Does The Competition). This
review is by Bob Rockefeller of the The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
This article is reprinted from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of The Savannah
Macintosh Users Group. It may be reprinted in a single issue of newsletters
published by non-profit user groups. Payment shall consist of a single
issue of the newsletter in which the article appears, sent to the following
address...Jim Alley, 320 East 54th Street, Savannah, GA 31405.
Name = Computer
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Computer
Size: 21K Date:10/28/93 Version:
Computer - This is a graphic flow chart showing how to channel Video and
Audio through a Mac to either QuickTime or Video output using a system with
Raster Ops "Media Time Board", 24 STV Video Board, Mac Recorder Audio,
Media Grabber software, Adobe Premiere and MacroMind Media Director. This
is not a product endorsement but a clarification of the steps involved.
This is a small PICT file, and can be quickly opened with PICTuresque
Name = CopReview1.0
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:CopReview1.0
Size: 37K Date: 5/08/90 Version:
Gary ... This is an update on the Copernicus review please replace the Word
4.0 file with this new amended version of the Copernicus Review... I missed
some disadvantages... Thanks Michael
Name = CopyDoubler2.0 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:CopyDoubler2.0 Review
Size: 53K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
CopyDoubler2.0 Review - This is a huge review with performance tests of the
newly upgraded CopyDoubler 2.0, from Fifth Generation Systems. It covers
every detail of the program and reveals just how much speed you will get
from it. Plus there is much more than speed from this program! This is the
featured article in the July 1993 Voice, newsletter of the MacValley Users
Group, Burbank, CA. It is in TEXT and Word 5 formats. There are 13 PICT
figures. It requires about 4 to 5 pages in a newsletter. Hard hitting!!
Name = Creepy Castle
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Creepy Castle
Size: 46K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
Creepy Castle - All right you Wolves fans, it’s here…Creepy Castle. It’s an
expanded version of a game you’re already addicted to. And take note, users
of Classics, Power Books, and other compact Macs—this game is in black and
white. This is a review from SMUG. The article above is reprinted from Mac
Monitor, the newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. It may be
reprinted in a single issue of newsletters published by non-profit user
groups. Payment shall consist of a single issue of the newsletter in which
the article appears.
Name = Creepy Castle Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Creepy Castle Review
Size: 45K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Creepy Castle Review - A short review of the chilling game from Reactor.
Reprinted from Mac Monitor. Several illustrations included.
Name = Crime & Puzzlement
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Crime & Puzzlement
Size: 31K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Crime & Puzzlement - Desperados of the DataSphere. So me and my sidekick
Howard, we was sitting out in front of the 40 Rod Saloon one evening when
he all of a sudden says, “Lookee here. What do you reckon?” I look up and
there’s these two strangers riding into town. Actually, Howard and I were
floating blind as cave fish in the electronic barrens of the WELL, so the
whole incident passed as words on a display screen. Interesting couple of
newusers just signed on. One calls himself acid and the other’s optik.
Hmmm. What are their real names? Check their finger files. If you like the
sounds of this, read the whole thing! Distributed by the Electronic
Frontier Foundation.
Name = Crossword Font Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Crossword Font Review
Size: 13K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Crossword Font Review by Lea Bromley for the AMUG Newsletter.
Name = Curmudgeon book review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Curmudgeon book review
Size: 4K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
Curmudgeon book review - Review of Guy Kawasaki's latest book, The Computer
Curmudgeon. From the Mid-Columbia Macintosh Users Group in Tri-Cities,
Name = Cyberlink 1.0 Standalone
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Cyberlink 1.0 Standalone
Size: 31K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.0
Cyberlink 1.0 Standalone - Cyberlink 1.0 is a publication for Mac users; it
assumes that you're running System 7.1 (or 7.0). Each column is dedicated
to a particular field of that most revered profession we call hacking,
defined as "screwing around with your machine until it is perfectly
indistinguishable from an alien technology to the innocent eyes of Licensed
Apple Dealers." This issue represents an initial spread of topics, such as
- Maxxing Out Your Mac, Wetwares - 5 Netwares you shouldn't do without,
Cyberlink Essentials Top 9 List, IC - The Hardware Horizon, City Speak -
The Horizon, Arcadia, and Last Bits. Fun reading.
Name = Cyberlink 1.1
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:B-C:Cyberlink 1.1
Size: 34K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.1
Cyberlink 1.1 - This is the second issue of Cyberlink, a digital magazine
for the digital generation. Cyberlink is a publication for Mac users; it
assumes that you're running System 7.1 (or 7.0). Each column is dedicated
to a particular field of that most revered profession we call hacking,
defined as "screwing around with your machine until it is perfectly
indistinguishable from an alien technology to the innocent eyes of Licensed
Apple Dealers." This issue includes - Maxxing out Your SI, ResHacks, Info
on the Newton, PowerPc, and more, Letter from the Editor, A review of AOL,
CIS and Delphi - the largest public-access arcologies in America, and more.
This is a stand-alone document.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DATA BASE
Size: 2K Date: 1/18/90 Version: notepad+
just a listing of one man's opinion of wjat a good data base should
contain and what it should do.
Name = DeltaGraph
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DeltaGraph
Size: 24K Date: 6/29/90 Version:
Review of DeltaGraph 1.5 for the Newsletter. Gary please note that I want
to take a look at my Bits and Pieces article which you already have (the
one that didn't get into the Digest). I may want to add to or revise it.
Name = DeskWriter article 2
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DeskWriter article 2
Size: 5K Date:12/25/90 Version:
This is my review of the HP DeskWriter printer. It's in MacWrite II
format. Please look it over, and let me know if you have any questions.
- Dave Furey
Name = Diamond Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Diamond Review
Size: 12K Date:11/20/89 Version:
Bullard's review of Diamond in Word 4.0 format. Contains 2 Word 4.0
tables and 2 figures. Also contains an unusual charactor on "page 4" (the
integral sign).
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DIRECTORY MACWII
Size: 8K Date: 8/04/90 Version:
The AMUG Best of listing in MacWrite II format.
Name = DTP Book Review 2
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DTP Book Review 2
Size: 68K Date: 8/11/93 Version:
DTP Book Review 2 - The Best of the Desktop Publishing Forum on Compuserve.
The Desktop Publishing Forum on CompuServe has for several years been an
important digital “meeting place” for artists, designers, service bureau
personnel, and developers. If you’re interested in electronic publishing,
this new book from Peachpit Press can be, not only a good source of
information, but can also actually save you lots of money. The book is a
condensation of countless hours of wide-ranging online conversations on
just about any aspect of the field you can imagine. At Compuserve’s rates,
you could spend a fortune accessing all of the information that has been
gathered into this book.
Name = DTP Books review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DTP Books review
Size: 8K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
DTP Books review - This is a review of three books - The Makeover Book -
101 Design Solutions for Desktop Publishing. Looking Good in Print - A
Guide to Basic Design for Desktop Publishing, 2nd edition. Newsletters from
the Desktop - Designing Effective Publications with Your Computer.
Name = DTP Ideas & Voodoo Mac
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DTP Ideas & Voodoo Mac
Size:114K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
DTP Ideas & Voodoo Mac - Here are reviews of two recent books. Voodoo Mac
is a cornucopia of Mac tips and techniques. DTP Ideas is a recipe book for
desktop publishers. Both are highly recommended. Scans of the covers of
both books are included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = DTP Survival Kit
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DTP Survival Kit
Size: 5K Date: 2/17/92 Version:
"The Desktop Publisher's Survival Kit" is a new book from Peachpit Press,
written by David Blatner, author of "The QuarkXPress Book." The new book
will be a great addition to the library of anybody involved in DTP, whether
greenhorn or old hand. This review gives a good overview of the contents of
the book. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh
Users Group.
Name = DateBook Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DateBook Review
Size: 44K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
DateBook Review - DateBook is the new Personal time-management software
from After Hours Software, who also brought you TouchBase. You've seen Guy
Kawasaki in the ads. Now read about the program yourself! Reprinted from
Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = DayStar 50
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DayStar 50
Size: 4K Date:12/23/92 Version:
DayStar 50 - This is a one-page article that explains my experiences after
installing a DayStar Powercache in a Mac IIcx. The article was checked with
SAM 3.5 on 11/17/92. If you use the article in your newsletter, send a copy
to the address at the end of the article. Enjoy.
Name = DeltaGraphPro Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DeltaGraphPro Review
Size:105K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
DeltaGraphPro Review - A review for the AMUG Newsletter by Mike Bromley.
Name = DiagnoSYS Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DiagnoSYS Review
Size: 19K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
DiagnoSYS Review - We all know that the Macintosh is a friendly and easy to
personalize computer system. Many users have added extensions (INITs) and
control panel devices (CDEVs) to add features normally unavailable
sometimes too many. Menu users also know the frustration of incompatible
applications, INITs, and CDEVs and the difficulty of tracking down the
offending ones. DiagnoSYS, from Baseline Publishing, is a tool to help in
the solution to this problem. This is a review from SMUG.
Name = Diamond Test
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Diamond Test
Size: 2K Date:11/15/89 Version:
Diamond Test for Dorman Bullard.
Name = Dimensions Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Dimensions Review
Size: 41K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
Dimensions Review - Dimensions is the new 3D program designed for users of
Illustrator or FreeHand. It produces bezier curves that can be further
edited in those programs. It is intuitive, less expensive, and much faster
than other 3D programs such as Ray Dream's Designer. Illustrations
included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh
Users Group.
Name = Discus
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Discus
Size:817K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Discus - review of the Discus series by MCMUG. This review provides detail
and pictures of the Discus CD-ROM series.
Name = DocuComp Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DocuComp Review
Size: 23K Date:12/30/90 Version:
DocuCOMP Review by Greg Guerin for the Newsletter. Jan'91
Name = DupLocator Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:DupLocator Review
Size: 27K Date:10/14/92 Version:
DupLocator Review - Do you have multiple copies of files lying around,
taking up valuable space on your hard drive or on floppies? This new
utility will help you get your software in order. Several illustrations are
included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh
Users Group.
Name = EasterEggsforMac
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:EasterEggsforMac
Size: 13K Date:11/16/92 Version:
EasterEggsforMac - contains all sorts of tips and tricks for Macintosh
users from Finder to Quadra info.
Name = Easy Alarms Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Easy Alarms Review
Size: 12K Date:12/31/91 Version:
Easy Alarms reviewed by John Knowles 1991 The Savannah Macintosh Users
Group. The article above is reprinted from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of
The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. It may be reprinted in a single issue
of newsletters published by non-profit user groups. Payment shall consist
of a single issue of the newsletter in which the article appears.
Name = Ecpa-1986
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Ecpa-1986
Size: 27K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Ecpa-1986 - Public Law 99-508--OCT 21, 1986, Electronic Communications
Privacy Act of 1986.100 STAT. 1848 PUBLIC LAW 99-508--OCT. 21, 1986 PUBLIC
LAW 99-508 99th Congress. This is a detailed document with all sorts of
titles, sections and statutes pertaining to Electronic communications. This
document is distributed by Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Name = Eff-about
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Eff-about
Size: 6K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Eff-about - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in July of
1990 to ensure that the principles embodied in the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights are protected as new communications technologies emerge.
From the beginning, EFF has worked to shape our nation's communications
infrastructure and the policies that govern it in order to maintain and
enhance First Amendment, privacy and other democratic values. We believe
that our overriding public goal must be the creation of Electronic
Democracy, so our work focuses on the establishment of many things. Read
this article to find out more!
Name = Effector4.00
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector4.00
Size: 11K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 4.00
SECURITY AGENCY. At the beginning of July 1992, John Gilmore filed a FOIA
request with NSA asking for access to parts of cryptologic treatises
written by NSA personnel - Military Cryptanalysis, Parts III and IV, by
William Friedman (WF-3/4); and Military Cryptanalytics, Parts III-VI, by
William Friedman and Lambros Callimahos (LC3-6). Parts I and II of each of
these treatises had already been declassified and published. At the time of
the request, it was not definitely known whether the parts requested by
Gilmore had been re-classified. This document, distributed by Electronic
Frontier Federation, discusses the case.
Name = Effector4.01
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector4.01
Size: 17K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 4.01
Effector4.01 - MEGATRENDS OR MEGAMISTAKES? What Ever Happened to the
Information Society? (Part 1 of 2 Parts). What-ever happened to the
Information Society? Where is the Information Age? What, indeed, happened
to the "workerless" factory, the "paperless" office and the "cashless"
society? Why aren't we all living in the "electronic cottage," playing our
part in the push-button "teledemocracy" - or simply relaxing in the
"leisure society," while machines exhibiting "artificial intelligence" do
all the work? This document, which discusses the Information Society, is
distributed by Electronic Frontier Foundation. See Effector 4.02 for part
Name = Effector4.02
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector4.02
Size: 15K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 4.02
Effector4.02 - MEGATRENDS OR MEGAMISTAKES? What Ever Happened to the
Information Society? (Part 2 of 2 Parts.) Part 1 was published in EFFector
revolution has created a whole new range of problems for society - problems
which were largely unexpected. Some arise from the propensity of computers
to malfunction, others arise from their misuse by humans. As complex
industrial societies become more dependent on computers, they become more
vulnerable to technological failure because computers have often proved to
be unreliable, insecure and unmanageable. This article is from the
Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Name = Effector4.03
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector4.03
Size: 13K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 4.03
Effector4.03 - In this Issue - THE NEW, STREAMLINED BILL O' RIGHTS by John
Perry Barlow, CRACKER BREAKS INTO ATHENA at MIT-The Security Alert, EFF'S
LEGISLATIVE WATCH by Shari Steele. This article is distributed by the
Electronic Frontier Foundation, a foundation started to ensure that the
principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are
protected as new communications technologies emerge. This newsletter is
printed on 100% recycled electrons.
Name = Effector4.04
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector4.04
Size: 26K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 4.04
Effector4.04 - CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. I heartily accept the motto, "That
government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted
up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to
this, which also I believe--"That government is best which governs not
at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of
government which the will have. If you like what you've read so far,
download and read more! This file is distributed by the Electronic Frontier
Name = Effector4.05
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector4.05
Size: 14K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 4.05
Effector4.05 - With this issue, EFFector Online will begin to examine the
technical, social, moral, legal and political issues surrounding the uses
of encryption in computer-based communications. While many in various
online communities around the world are highly conversant with cryptography
and encryption, many others are not. Because of this we begin our series
with Larry Loen's superb primer on basic cryptography. This article
originally appeared as a proto-FAQ in the Usenet group, sci.crypt. Our
readers with an interest in learning about encryption on an ad-hoc basis
are advised to read sci-crypt and to participate in it.
Name = Effector5.01
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.01
Size: 13K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.01
Effector5.01 - In this issue - Three perspectives of a two-day meeting in
Atlanta between EFF and representatives of regional groups of grassroots
networking activists. This past January 23rd and 24th, 11 members of the
electronic community met in Atlanta with members of the staff and board of
the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The meeting lasted a day and a half,
with topics of discussion including EFF's recent organizational
restructuring and how groups serving the electronic community can work
together to be more effective. By the end of the two days,meeting attendees
had formed a group to organize and formulateguidelines for continuing
interchange among all who work to strengthen electronic communications.
Name = Effector5.02
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.02
Size: 7K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.02
Effector5.02 - In this issue - Update on the Steve Jackson Games Case,
Contact information for Local and Regional Groups Supporting the Online
Community. March 1st marks the three-year anniversary of the Secret Service
raid on Steve Jackson Games. As we await Judge Sam Sparks's decision in
this precedent-setting case, EFF would like to remind everyone of what has
happened so far. On March 1, 1990, the United States Secret Service nearly
destroyed Steve Jackson Games (SJG), an award-winning publishing business
in Austin, Texas. For more info, download! Distributed by the Electronic
Frontier Foundation.
Name = Effector5.03
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.03
Size: 7K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.03
Effector5.03 - In this issue - Representative Markey Speaks on Tech Policy,
Announcement of Midwest Rural Datafication Meeting, EFF Funding, Coverage
of Representative Markey's Speech to Computer, Execs on Technology Policy.
This publication is distributed by EFF; The Electronic Frontier Foundation
was founded in July of 1990 to ensure that the principles embodied in the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights are protected as new communications
technologies emerge.
Name = Effector5.04
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.04
Size: 10K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.04
Effector5.04 - In this issue - Victory in the Steve Jackson Games Case, EFF
Pioneer Award, Winners for 1993, Issues for K-12 Access to the Internet.
This publication is distributed by EFF; The Electronic Frontier Foundation
was founded in July of 1990 to ensure that the principles embodied in the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights are protected as new communications
technologies emerge.
Name = Effector5.05
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.05
Size: 13K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.05
Effector5.05 - In this issue - Keys to Privacy in the Digital Information
Age, and What's Important About the Medphone Libel Case? Communication
carried on paper through the mail system, or over the wire-based public
telephone network, is relatively secure from random intrusion by others.
But the same communication carried, for example, over a cellular or other
wireless communication system is vulnerable to being intercepted by anyone
who has very inexpensive, easy-to-obtain, scanning technology. Find out
more! This publication is distributed by EFF; The Electronic Frontier
Name = Effector5.06
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.06
Size: 10K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.06
Effector5.06 - In this issue - Initial EFF Analysis of Clinton Privacy and
Security Proposal; Society for Electronic Access - A New York City-based
grassroots online activist group; Updated Contact List for Regional Online
Activist Groups. This publication is distributed by EFF; The Electronic
Frontier Foundation was founded in July of 1990 to ensure that the
principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are
protected as new communications technologies emerge.
Name = Effector5.07
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.07
Size: 9K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.07
Effector5.07 - In this issue - Congressman Boucher Introduces NREN
Applications Bill; "Future of Computing" Program in Palo Alto, CA. This
publication is distributed by EFF; The Electronic Frontier Foundation was
founded in July of 1990 to ensure that the principles embodied in the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights are protected as new communications
technologies emerge.
Name = Effector5.08
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.08
Size: 12K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.08
Effector5.08 - In this issue - Clipper Chip-Related Excerpts from - A
Letter from the Digital Privacy and Security Working Group to President
Clinton; A Selection of Questions Submitted by the Working Group Sent to
President Clinton; Whit Diffie's Testimony Before the House Subcommittee on
Science; A Request for Public Comment by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. This publication is distributed by EFF; The
Electronic Frontier Foundation was founded in July of 1990 to ensure that
the principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are
protected as new communications technologies emerge.
Name = Effector5.09
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.09
Size: 12K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.09
Effector5.09 - In this issue - EFF Comments to NIST; Computers, Freedom and
Privacy Conference 1994; Summary of Rural Datafications Conference. The
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) commends the Computer System Security
and Privacy Advisory Board for offering the public the opportunity to
comment on developments in cryptography and communications privacy policy.
Recent Administration proposals, including use of the Clipper Chip and
establishment of a government-controlled key escrow system, raise questions
that cut to the core of privacy protection in the age of digital
communication technology. Find out more!
Name = Effector5.10
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.10
Size: 14K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.10
Effector5.10 - In this issue - Accessing the Federal Government. Over the
past two weeks, the White House and the U.S. House of Representatives each
announced that they had set up systems for receiving electronic mail
through the Internet. These official announcements, as well as other
reference materials for accessing federal government information online,
are included in this issue of EFFector Online. E-MAIL TO THE PRESIDENT AND
Name = Effector5.11
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.11
Size: 11K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.11
Effector5.11 - In this issue - EFF Is Moving; NREN Applications Bill
Update; Interval Research Conference on Online Communities. In an earlier
issue of EFFector (5.07), we described legislation introduced by
Congressman Rick Boucher to stimulate Internet applications in health care,
education, libraries, and for access to government information. On June 17,
the bill, H.R. 1757, was marked-up by the Science Subcommittee, which Mr.
Boucher chairs. ("Mark up" is the process by which a committee or
subcommittee reviews a bill, adds amendments, and if passed, sends it on
to the next stage in the legislative process.) Want more? Download it.
Name = Effector5.12
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.12
Size: 10K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.12
Effector5.12 - In this issue - EFF Has Moved; Online Congressional Hearing;
To Be at Liberty, by John Perry Barlow; Announcement of Group Meeting;
Request for Help from Canadian Readers; Job Openings at EFF. On July 26 at
9:30AM EDT, the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance of the U.S.
House of Representatives will hold the first Congressional Hearing ever
held over a computer network. The oversight hearing on "The Role of
Government in Cyberspace" will take place in the Grand Ballroom of the
National Press Club at 14th and F Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. The
hearing is open to the public. An open house will be held from 3-5PM on the
same day in the same location andis also open to the public.
Name = Effector5.13
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Effector5.13
Size: 14K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 5.13
Effector5.13 - In this issue - Online Congressional Hearings Postponed;
Summary of New Infrastructure Bill; EFF Joins Telecommunications Policy
Roundtable. The Senate Communications Subcommittee is now in the process of
considering legislation that would eliminate the legal monopoly that local
telephone companies have on local phone service, allow any communications
provider to offer local phone service, and allow local telephone companies
to compete fully in the cable television market. The legislation's goal is
to promote increased investment in the nation's telecommunications
infrastructure. Exciting? Read more.
Name = Ethernet Article
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Ethernet Article
Size: 6K Date:12/10/91 Version:
This Ethernet Article was reprinted from the AMUG News Team. Other User
Groups may reprint the article provided AMUG and the authur recieve credit
and a copy of any reprints at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Excel 4 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Excel 4 Review
Size: 26K Date: 8/11/93 Version:
Excel 4 Review - Excel has been the king of Macintosh spreadsheet
applications since it was first released in the early days of Macintosh.
Every new spreadsheet program that comes along must compare itself to
Excel; that explains why there are not too may other Macintosh spreadsheet
programs to choose from. When Lotus 1-2-3 on PC compatibles was the name of
the game, Excel crashed the party by arriving on Macintosh. Now that
Windows has gained popularity for those same PC compatibles, Excel is
there, too, as the leading spreadsheet application. Version 4 is the latest
evolution for both Macintosh and Windows; let’s take a look at how it
differs from version 3 and remind ourselves why so many love it.
Name = Expert Sets Article
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Expert Sets Article
Size:280K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Expert Sets Article - This is a big and comprehensive article dealing with
a topic about which newcomers are largely ignorant and even many
professionals find confusing -- expert font sets. A Professor at The
Savannah College of Art and Design said that this article should be
required reading in typography classes, but Mac novices will also
appreciate it. The article runs about four pages and includes many
illustrations (several in eps format).
Name = F&M 6
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:F&M 6
Size: 4K Date: 1/05/90 Version: 1/5/90
A newsletter article by Ron Savage
Name = FBI Report
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:FBI Report
Size: 12K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
the FBI has characterized its proposed “Digital Telephony” legislation as
relating to the preservation of government’s ability to engage inauthorized
wiretapping, the proposal actually requires that all communications and
computer systems be designed to facilitate interception of private
messages, on a concurrent and remote basis — thus imposing new engineering
standards that go far beyond any existing law. As currently drafted, the
proposal would impose substantial costs and create significant
uncertainties, despite the absence of any clear showing that the proposed
measures would be either effective or necessary.
Name = FLF Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:FLF Review
Size:118K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
FLF Review - 79 PostScript Fonts for under $100?? How good can they be?
What kind of variety is included. A hard look at a good bargain. This might
be just the thing you're looking for, IF... Several examples are included
in EPS format for excellent printing results. Give your readers an idea of
what the set includes. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Florence 12/24
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Florence 12/24
Size: 11K Date:11/14/89 Version:
Florence 12 & 24 font, for porper printing of seashell drawings.
Name = FLUX Spring 93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:FLUX Spring 93
Size:703K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
FLUX Spring 93 - This is an interesting Magaine for user group
distribution. Can be customized for your specific group.
Name = FTF Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:FTF Review
Size: 23K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
FTF Review - First Things First, Reminders and To-Do Lists by Barton
Brown.© 1992 The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. ’m about as absent-minded
as anyone I know, so I was pretty interested when I got the opportunity to
review First Things First, a reminder/time management/clock utility from
Visionary Software. Carrying a full class load, being involved with SMUG,
and always on the lookout for arcane late-night TV events to tape, there
are just too many things in my life. reprinted from Mac Monitor, the
newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. It may be reprinted in a
single issue of newsletters published by non-profit user groups. Payment
shall consist of a single issue of the newsletter.
Name = Feb'93PresDesk
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Feb'93PresDesk
Size: 8K Date: 1/27/93 Version:
Feb'93PresDesk - Thiis is the AMUG Presidents desk for 2/93. Includes
reviews from MacWorld San Francisco 1993.
Name = Fighting Fragmentation
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Fighting Fragmentation
Size: 13K Date: 2/10/91 Version:
This file contains an Article titled Fighting Fragmentation. Use Disk
Doubler for decompression.
Name = File busy article.dp
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:File busy article.dp
Size: 63K Date: 8/11/93 Version:
File busy article - The Dreaded Busy or Missing Application Alert - We all
have run into it at one time or another. And no one likes it when they do.
What is this frequent Finder irritant? It is none other than the dreaded
alert announcing that the file you just double-clicked could not be opened
because "the application is busy or missing". Well, that alert is not the
end of the world or the end of the road. There are many ways to open files
who's applications can't be found by the Finder. This article tells you how
to do just that.
Name = File Compression Tip.TEXT
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:File Compression Tip.TEXT
Size: 4K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
File Compression Tip - This is a little TEXT file that contains a tip on
how to keep compressed file sizes to a minimum. It points out one of the
most common mistakes with file compression for data transfer and suggests
how to avoid it. It is a great filler for a monthly Tips column in a
newsletter. It appears in the June Tips column of the Voice, newsletter of
the MacValley Users Group, Burbank, CA. Use it freely if you wish.
Name = File TypesArticle
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:File TypesArticle
Size: 20K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
File TypesArticle is by Dorman Bullard. The article helps new Mac Users
understand file types and what to do when they click on a file and it says
the application is not available. This article is a reprint from AMUG News.
Other User Groups may reprint this article provided AMUG and the author
recieve credit and a copy of any reprints at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert,
AZ 85234.
Name = Final Art/ByLaws NonProfit
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Final Art/ByLaws NonProfit
Size: 20K Date: 3/11/90 Version: 3-11-90
Gary, These are the final Articles and By Laws to print in the April
Newsletter and hand out at the March meeting. Please let me know if you
cannot bring 150 copies to the meeting... sorry I am so late but just got
them. Take a look at them call if comments. Especially look at elections
process and change if you think it needs it.
Name = Flame9.txt
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Flame9.txt
Size: 36K Date: 1/01/93 Version:
Flame9 - 1992 December news from the dead teachers society.
Name = Flight Sim Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Flight Sim Review
Size: 12K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
Marketed as the "The World's Most Popular Flight Adventure", Flight
Simulator ver. 4.0 claims to work on any 1 meg. Mac from the Plus on up (2
MB with System 7). When starting Flight Simulator, the plane is in the
takeoff position. Pressing keypad 3 opens the throttle and soon the plane
is airborne. Now you can fly to another airport or "slew" to such far away
destinations as San Francisco, LA, or New York City. Here is a review of
the package.
Name = Fontek Pic
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Fontek Pic
Size:151K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Fontek Pic - This is an OPTIONAL graphics file to accompany the review
which is also posted here. The illustration shows a number of the new
Fontek headline fonts, converted to paths so you can print and view samples
without purchasing the fonts. (FreeHand EPS file)
Name = Fontek Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Fontek Review
Size: 4K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Fontek Review - Letraset's new collection of unique PostScript and TrueType
headline fonts is sure to please graphic design professionals and other
type fans. High quality, unusual (but usable) faces, and reasonable prices.
Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users
Name = FrameReview
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:FrameReview
Size: 28K Date:12/12/91 Version:
This is a review of FrameMaker by Lea Bromley of the AMUG News team. Other
User Groups may reprint this article provided AMUG and the author are given
credit and a copy of any reprints at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ
Name = Freedom of Press
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Freedom of Press
Size: 44K Date: 8/28/91 Version:
This is a review of Freedom of Press light and HyperTalk by Matt Stoner.
This review may be reprinted by other User Groups provided the Author and
the AMUG News Team are given credit and a copy is sent to 718 E. Campbell
Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Freehand3.0 Book
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Freehand3.0 Book
Size: 4K Date: 9/09/91 Version:
This is a book review a Freehand 3.0 book by Gary Fields. This Article
may be reprinted by other User Groups provided the Author and the
AMUG News Team are given credit and a copy at 718 E. Campbell Ave.,
Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = GEnieLamp Mac/Mar'93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:GEnieLamp Mac/Mar'93
Size:269K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
GEnieLamp Mac/Mar'93 - contains the graphic issue of the March 1993
GEnieLamp Macintosh. Includes info on Mac product news, virus reports,
reviews of Maelstrom and Lemmings, HyperCard Stack reviews and more.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:GRAY TEXT
Size: 2K Date: 3/14/90 Version:
Gray Helvetica Newsletter Article
Name = General Books
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:General Books
Size: 7K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
General Books - Contains a large list of Macintosh books available.
Name = Gray Book Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Gray Book Review
Size: 78K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
Gray Book Review - The Gray Book is filled with great ideas for those
working on a limited budget. The text for this article is short, but three
good visual examples are included in EPS format. Reprinted from Mac
Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Guaranteed Undelete
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Guaranteed Undelete
Size: 13K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Guaranteed Undelete - Guaranteed Undelete is a new program which includes
all of the features of TrashMaster, but goes on to offer undeleting of
trashed files. Lots of features are outlined in this review from Mac
Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. Illustrations
are included.
Name = HAM Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:HAM Review
Size: 24K Date: 2/23/92 Version:
HAM Review - Remove the Fat from your Apple Menu - As hard drives get
bigger and bigger, navigating through them becomes a more and more daunting
task. The Macintosh Finder, model of simplicity and intuitiveness, has
begun to be cumbersome to many power users. Finding files and applications
which are nested in folders several layers deep simply takes time and makes
clutter. System 7 has helped by allowing applications and documents to be
placed in the Apple menu, but the result of this has been that Apple menus
themselves have grown so long that they become awkward. A Review of HAM by
Jim Alley of SMUG.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:HYPERTMON ARTICLE
Size: 9K Date:10/11/90 Version:
HyperTMON article by Tom Deasey!
Name = HandOff II Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:HandOff II Review
Size: 14K Date: 8/25/90 Version:
HandOff II Review.sit is a review of Handoff and its qualities from another
user group.
Name = Hard Drive Article
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Hard Drive Article
Size: 5K Date: 1/27/93 Version:
Hard Drive Article - Contains information on hard drives their measurements
and operation.
Name = Hitliste
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Hitliste
Size: 6K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Hitliste - This is a corroborative document by a German author on UseNet.
Work in progress. Lists most popular shareware and public domain software
along with relative popularity.
Name = HyperGraph
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:HyperGraph
Size: 3K Date: 3/22/91 Version:
HyperGraph is an Article for the AMUG newsletter on the HyperGarph XCMD and
its uses.
Name = HyperTools Rev.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:HyperTools Rev.
Size: 33K Date:10/14/91 Version:
HyperTools II is Reviewed in this article from Tony Tunder. Contains info
the in's and outs of HyperTools. Reprinted from AMUG News. Other User
Groups may reprint this review provided the author, and AMUG are provided a
copy at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = ISDN Applications
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:ISDN Applications
Size: 27K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
at Home, School, the Workplace and Beyond. Since October, 1991, the
Electronic Frontier Foundation has been advocating a practical, incremental
approach to modernizing the telecommunications infrastructure. Calling for
an “open platform” for innovation in telecommunications modelled on the
success of the personal computer in the 1980s, EFF has sought to develop a
consensus for the widespread deployment of the “Integrated Services Digital
Network” (ISDN).1 ISDN Open Platform service will enable personal and small
group communication for residential, non-profit and small business users.
Find out more!
Name = Icon Do It!
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Icon Do It!
Size: 79K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
Icon Do It! - This is a big article that explores the use of custom icons
under System 7, but it is NOT one of those articles that deals with
ResEdit. Instead it discusses simple copy/paste methods, public domain and
shareware programs, and commercial programs (including Icon7, I Like Icon,
and Icon-it Pro). There are many illustrations included as well as several
easy-to-use tips in an easy-to-read format. Reprinted from Mac Monitor,
newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Illustrator Book
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Illustrator Book
Size: 23K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Illustrator Book - Here's a review of another of Peachpit Press' excellent
Macintosh books. Illustrator Illuminated is a casebook of professional
artists working on different projects. Many insights into the program, as
well as into the creative process, are provided. Our reviewer, an engineer
and long-time Mac enthusiast, has included two of his own illustrations.
Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users
Name = In Control Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:In Control Review
Size: 8K Date: 6/10/92 Version:
In Control Review - Other User Groups may reprint with a copy of any
reprints provided to Jim Alley. In Control has been receiving attention as
an easy-to-use and flexible time organizer. This review includes an
illustration. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah
Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Inits, the System & You2
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Inits, the System & You2
Size: 9K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Inits, the System & You2 - this is a nice article on init management on the
Macintosh by Andrew Welch.
Name = JEMS.493
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:JEMS.493
Size: 7K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
JEMS.493 - This is the April issue of Jims Jems, a newsletter for personal
development.. Enjoy
Name = JEMS.693
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:JEMS.693
Size: 10K Date: 6/28/93 Version: 6/93
JEMS.693 - This is the June edition of Jims Jems, a newsletter for personal
& professional development. Columns include Pete's Potpourri, Mental
Health, Physical Health and Business Bits, Please Enjoy!
Name = JEMS.992
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:JEMS.992
Size: 9K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
JEMS.992 - This is the September issue of Jims Jems, a newsletter for
personal and professional development. ENJOY!
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:JULYLIBNEWS
Size: 3K Date: 6/23/90 Version:
Some Library news for the next Newsletter from Jeff Geertsen
Name = Jems.193
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Jems.193
Size: 5K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 193
Jems.193 - This is the new Jims Jems for January 1993, a newsletter for
personal and professional development.
Name = JimsJemsFeb–Sept1992
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:JimsJemsFeb–Sept1992
Size: 52K Date:11/13/92 Version:
JimsJemsFeb–Sept1992 - This contains Jims Jems from Feb - Sept 1992. These
files are full of interesting Macintosh tips and information.
Name = Jim's JemsNov Text 92
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Jim's JemsNov Text 92
Size: 7K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Jim's JemsNov Text 92 - This is the holiday issue of Jims Jems, a
newsletter for personal development. ENJOY!
Name = July DAUG Meeting Report.mw
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:July DAUG Meeting Report.mw
Size: 5K Date: 8/05/91 Version:
July DAUG Meeting Report - A GS Blows the Doors off the Mac?? Get Real!
Would I tell you that even if it were true?? by Ronald D. LaCour. These are
notes from the DuPage User Group meeting for July. Ronald D. LaCour
DAUG, DuPage Apple User Group, 848 Queenswood Ct., Wheaton, Il 60187.
Segments of this article may be reprinted provided the author and DuPage
receive credit. Use Disk Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
Name = June90PresDesk
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:June90PresDesk
Size: 8K Date: 4/30/90 Version:
Gary, this is the June '90 Presidents Desk....with this the Best of Series,
the meeting notices and Bits and Pieces this should wrap up Junes issue
unless you have some other goodies. Can you put a T-Shirt order form in
also at a $9.00 price with $1 shipping?
I would also run our AMUG ad and anything else you might want.
Thanks - Michael
Name = June 93 UpstateMUG
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:June 93 UpstateMUG
Size:345K Date: 6/28/93 Version: 6/93
June 93 UpstateMUG - This is the diskletter from New York's Upstate Apple
Users Group of Utica. Contents contain articles on - Rambling from UAUG's
insiders, What goes on at UAUG, Refilling HP inkjet cartridges, a review of
Wired (a magazine), Tips on using Filemaker Pro's security features, press
releases from Apple, "If computers ran TV," Proofing vs. Spelling, Premiere
2.0 reviewed, and more!!
Name = KMUG News
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:KMUG News
Size:374K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
KMUG News - This is the KMUG newsletter from our fellow Macintosh Users in
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:KPT AMUG REVIEW
Size:448K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
KPT AMUG REVIEW - this is a review of KPT for the AMUG newsletter. Other
Users Groups may reprint provided a copy of any reprints are sent to AMUG,
4131 N. 24th Street #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016.
Name = KY1pg1/4
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:KY1pg1/4
Size: 18K Date:11/14/89 Version:
PICT format scanned photo, for possible use with ARTicle.
Name = Kai’s Power Tools Article
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Kai’s Power Tools Article
Size: 8K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Kai’s Power Tools Article - A set of 33 new filters has just been released
for use with Adobe Photoshop. Wait...strike that. What I meant to say was
more like “Whoa! I can’t BELIEVE the coolest thing I ever saw for Digital
Imaging only costs 99 bucks, will turn casual Photoshoppers into Mega-Power
users INSTANTLY, and will turn Photoshop regulars into maniacal, sleepless,
fingers-melded-into-their-keyboards, never eat or breathe again, non-stop
image factories in a matter of hours!”
Name = KidPixReview
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:KidPixReview
Size: 18K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
KidPixReview - Paint Program for Kids of All Ages © 1992 by Wendy Marchuck.
KidPix is a paint program designed especially for kids (of all ages).
Besides the traditional paint tools found in paint programs, there are
countless other tools and variations. Sounds are added to give more effect
to what you’re doing. This file was provided for BBS in a BOX by Wendy
Marchuck. Contact The Motor City Macintosh User Group for more info at,
P.O. Box 2513, Dearborn, MI 48123, MacMania BBS: (313) 278 - 8578.
Name = Kodak-photo-cd.txt
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Kodak-photo-cd.txt
Size: 9K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Kodak-photo-cd.txt - this review gives all sorts of great facts and figures
on the Kodak Photo CD format, uses and how to make them.
Name = Kudo Review Packet
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Kudo Review Packet
Size:308K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
Kudo Review Packet - The “Kudo Image Browser” is a graphics and mixed-media
cataloging, browsing, and retrieval tool designed for those who use image
files in their daily work. Scanned photos, clip art, graphics, QuickTime
movies, even Kodak Photo CD files can now be cataloged for instant access,
and the cataloged images can be previewed, printed, placed into other
documents, or opened by an editing application of your choice. In addition,
the media catalogs can be searched by descriptive text or keywords,
filenames, size, date created, date modified, or by folder or volume
location. Now it’s easy to “get the picture!”
Name = LSL5
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:LSL5
Size: 94K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
LSL5 - This review of Larry's Fifth Leisure Suit is subtitled "Passionate
Patti Does A Little Undercover Work." Here is the first paragraph - I must
confess, Leisure Suit Larry 5 is the first computer game I've played that
carries a "parental discretion advised" warning label. As the label
suggests, Larry 5 should only be played by responsible and mature adults
who will be able look beyond the bad sexual puns, innuendos, and
stereotypes and take the game at its entertaining face value. Larry 5 might
be considered poor taste in certain circles, but it's also a hilarious
tounge-in-cheek, artfully designed, and just-plain-fun game.
Name = Last Resort Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Last Resort Review
Size: 4K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Last Resort Review - Well there it is, the name you always thought would be
great for the beach house of your dreams or the tavern you always wanted to
run is being used by a software company. Disappointed? Well, this
appropriately named software utility from Working Software, Inc. lives up
to its name and frankly is a simple “stroke” of genius. valuable addition
to any system folder. Gee, I guess now if only Working Software can develop
a grammar checker as good as Last Resort, T. R. might get to finish that
there thesis. By Jim Loser ©1992 The Savannah Macintosh Users Group
Name = LeaderTips
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:LeaderTips
Size: 3K Date: 2/17/92 Version:
These are notes from a speech given by Lt Gen L.L. Wilson at a US military
school in 1973. In an era of "total quality management" and the "Z"
principle, he seems to identify some unchanging tenets of quality
Name = LearnC Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:LearnC Review
Size: 4K Date: 1/01/92 Version:
A review of "Learn C on the Macintosh" -- the latest book by Dave Mark.
From the Mid-Columbia Macintosh Users Group in Tri-Cities, Wash.
Name = Life Art Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:H-L:Life Art Review
Size: 90K Date: 5/11/90 Version:
Gary, this is a review of the Art package LifeArt by Leo Bores MD.
Name = MacProblems
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacProblems
Size: 8K Date: 1/24/90 Version:
ATTENTION GARY FIELDS. This is an article about Mac problems I encountered
and how they were solved. Interesting to some people if they encountered
what I did. Article is meant for your big March issue. If questions call
me at 998 0724. Jan.
Name = MCM Ad
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MCM Ad
Size: 9K Date: 8/10/90 Version:
Gary, This is mesa computer marts new ad. Thanks for placing it.
Name = MidiPlayReview
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MidiPlayReview
Size: 9K Date: 7/05/91 Version:
OPCODE MIDIplay - Irv Kanode - MIDIplay is a HyperCard based product that
allows HyperCard stacks to control a MIDI synthesizer. It also works (per
OPCODE) with applications such as SuperCard, MacroMind Director and Plus.
I found it to work with various combinations of recent systems (including
7.0), Apples MIDI Manager, the last three versions of HyperCard, and on
both a 4 meg Mac+ and an 8 meg IIci. This is a review for AMUG News. Other
User Groups may reprint provided the author and AMUG receive credit.
Decompress using Disk Doubler 3.7.
Name = Money, Money, Money
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Money, Money, Money
Size: 17K Date: 2/04/90 Version: March
Article on Dollars and Sense. Not really a review, but maybe you can use
it in the digest.
Name = Moon scape 2
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Moon scape 2
Size: 15K Date:12/22/89 Version:
Freehand of the Earth from the Moon as inspired by the astronauts. Perhaps
the Mac Portable on the Moon.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MOREZOOMFAX
Size: 7K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Here is more info about fax modems—or rather about using the Zoom fax modem
and Quick Link, which is all I have, and related topics. If you do not have
the Palatino screen font, this document is going to look semi-dumb. Sorry.
Name = MT&T0193
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MT&T0193
Size: 64K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 0193
MT&T0193 - This is the shareware version of MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS.
Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker format document,
MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS includes Macintosh news and information, as well as
productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
Name = MT&T0992
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MT&T0992
Size: 46K Date:10/02/92 Version:
MT&T0992 - Macintosh Tips & Tricks. By Maria L. Langer. This series of
issues contains how to tips and tricks for the Macintosh. This is the Sept
92 issue.
Name = MT&T1092
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MT&T1092
Size: 61K Date:10/02/92 Version:
MT&T1092 - Macintosh Tips & Tricks. By Maria L. Langer. This series of
issues contains how to tips and tricks for the Macintosh. This is the Oct.
92 issue.
Name = MT&T1192
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MT&T1192
Size: 52K Date:11/06/92 Version:
MT&T1192 - Volume 1 Issue 3, November, 1992. Shareware Version
Macintosh Tips & Tricks - A Giles Road Press Publication. The goal of
Macintosh Tips & Tricks is to distribute timely and useful information to
Macintosh users in a forum that enables writers and consultants to show off
their knowledge and writing skills. Contains info on new Macintosh
developments and reviews. This is issue 11-92.
Name = MT&T1292
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MT&T1292
Size: 53K Date:12/23/92 Version:
MT&T1292 - This is the shareware version of Macintosh Tips & Tricks.
Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker format document,
Macintosh Tips & Tricks includes Macintosh news and information, as well as
productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
Name = MYM 4.0 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MYM 4.0 Review
Size: 34K Date: 8/05/91 Version: 4.0
MYM 4.0 Review is an article reprinted from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of
The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. This artciles reviews Mind Your Own
Buisness accounting software. It may be reprinted in a single issue
of newsletters published by non-profit user groups. Payment shall consist
of a single issue of the newsletter in which the article appears, sent to
Jim Alley, 320 East 54th Street,Savannah, GA 31405. © 1991 The Savannah
Macintosh Users Group - Jim Alley. Use Disk Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
Name = Mac Dict.MW5
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Dict.MW5
Size: 6K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
Mac Dict.MW5 - A dictionary is an obvious example of a plurality, so when
The Macintosh Dictionary came out, Mac Monitor immediately thought of doing
a panel review. We assembled several of our user group members and set out
to collect out impressions of the book. We began by asking our panel for
any initial reactions they might have. A review - © 1992 The Savannah
Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Macintosh HotWare 9-1-90
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Macintosh HotWare 9-1-90
Size: 6K Date: 9/01/90 Version:
This is a Macintosh short on three products for the October issue.
Name = Mac IbmCompare190
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac IbmCompare190
Size: 23K Date:11/20/93 Version: 190
Mac IbmCompare190 - This report compares the Mac and IBM machines CPUs,
hardware (monitor support and expansion), operating systems (includes
number crunching), networking and printing; it covers not only present
hardware/software statistics and features but also future possibilities.
Despite its condensed and generalized format it still provides some
thought-provoking reading on the relative merits, problems, and
deficiencies of Macs and IBM PCs. It also contains some FAQ answers about
both machines. Changes in this report - 486 info updated, Pentium and
PowerPC info updated, in two parts.
Name = MacInTax Box Back
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacInTax Box Back
Size: 52K Date:11/16/90 Version:
Gary, This is the Softview Macintax ad. Please take out any reference to
registered user instructions and us for the December issue. This is in PM
Name = MacInTax review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacInTax review
Size: 33K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
MacInTax review - From the Mid-Columbia Macintosh Users Group, this is a
1,500-word review of ChipSoft's MacInTax review. Just in time for tax
season! I've thrown in a few screen dumps.
Name = MacIndex Sampler
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacIndex Sampler
Size:247K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
MacIndex Sampler - MacIndex Sampler is an index of December 1992 Macintosh
magazine publications, featuring data in both EndNote and tab-delimited
text formats (with free FileMaker Pro template for using the text in).
While MacIndex was formerly available only as a subscription service
(updated monthly by floppy disk) from Graphic Technology Research, the
entire database (1989-92) is now being made available as shareware for $25.
This Sampler shows the style and content of MacIndex and includes excellent
documentation on the product.
Name = Mac Memory Guide 5.0
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Memory Guide 5.0
Size: 81K Date:11/10/93 Version: 5.0
Mac Memory Guide 5.0 - The Macintosh Memory Guide, A simple explanation of
memory and how to get the most from your Mac. This is a stand alone text
which tells you all you need to know about memory and more. Chapter
headings - The basics, About SIMMS, Virtual Memory, Mac Memory History,
Compact Macs, LCs and Performas, Mac IIs, Powerbooks, Quadras and Centris,
Laserwriters, Desktop Products, Memory Management Products, Powerbook
Products and a Glossary. Copyright 1991-1993 Connectix Corporation,
permission was granted for use on AMUG's BBS in a Box.
Name = Mac Monitor 9/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Monitor 9/93
Size: 52K Date:10/28/93 Version: 9/93
Mac Monitor 9/93 - MAC MONITOR ONLINE - The Newsletter of the Savannah
Macintosh Users Group. This is our first abbreviated test-version of Mac
Monitor Online... a text only version (TeachText) of the popular Mac
Monitor, the Newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group. If you are
looking for material to reprint you will find it here... but please quote
the author and the source. In this issue -Twisted Cables, Why You Need File
Compression, Now Compress 1.0, U.S. Atlas, Robin Williams' Tabs and Indents
on the Macintosh, News from SMUG's BBS, Bug Alert, Flash! The Last Page
and The Gallery.
Name = Mac Rags
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Rags
Size: 6K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
Mac Rags - Nestled within a lil' ol' text file is a list of the names,
address and phone numbers of Mac magazines, arranged by topic: general,
DTP/art, design, typography, modem/communications, education, home/office,
organizations, user groups, product specific, other, and "other other." I'd
be excited off my beanie to receive E-mail of additions, deletions, and
modifications to this list. Happy reading. . .
Name = MacSharewareCatalog
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacSharewareCatalog
Size: 63K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
MacSharewareCatalog - This is a wonderful project, and long overdue in the
user group community. You get great software and the shareware authors get
their well-deserved shareware fee! Adam Stein has gone to a great deal of
expense and effort putting this together - now you and your members get the
benefit. This issue contains articles on - Alias Director & FileBuddy,
Biorhythms II, DOCMaker, Calendar, File Sharing Toggle, MenuChoice &
EasyKeys, Programmer's Paradise, Quotable Quotes and Definitive Desserts,
Super Font PackSystem 7 Pack! Town Meeting! ...and more. If you love
shareware, check out this online magazine.
Name = Mac Shareware 500 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Shareware 500 Review
Size: 4K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
Mac Shareware 500 Review - Is "The Mac Shareware 500" really the last word
on public domain and sharware for Macs? Yes! And it's a bargain, too. This
review shows what's included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, Newsletter of the
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = MacSprint Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacSprint Review
Size: 22K Date:11/10/89 Version: 1.0
This is my MacSprint II Review for the December 89 AMUG News. Take a look
at it and tell me what you think Gary! Thanks, Michael Bean
Name = Mac Tips & Tricks 2/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Tips & Tricks 2/93
Size: 59K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 2/93
Macintosh Tips & Tricks 2/93 - This is the shareware version of MACINTOSH
TIPS & TRICKS. Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker
format document, MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS includes Macintosh news and
information, as well as productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
This issue features - Masthead, From the Editor's Desktop, Letters, Produ
News, Adding templates to MS Word Work Menus, Creating Template Files,
Quick tips, Writer's Guidelines and FileMaker Pro in a Nutshell.
Name = Mac Tips & Tricks 3/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Tips & Tricks 3/93
Size: 78K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 3/93
Macintosh Tips & Tricks 3/93 - This is the shareware version of MACINTOSH
TIPS & TRICKS. Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker
format document, MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS includes Macintosh news and
information, as well as productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
This seventh issue features - From the Editor's Desktop - "Learn from My
Mistakes "Product News - the new Apple printers, Creating Hanging Indents
in Microsoft Word" Using Lookup Tables in Microsoft Excel", "Quick System
7 Tips".
Name = Mac Tips & Tricks 4/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Tips & Tricks 4/93
Size: 87K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 4/93
Macintosh Tips & Tricks 4/93 - This is the shareware version of MACINTOSH
TIPS & TRICKS. Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker
format document, MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS includes Macintosh news and
information, as well as productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
This is the April 1993 version. Includes FileMaker Pro's Security Features
by Maria L. LangerProofing vs Spell Checking by Terry WilsoRebuilding the
Desktop - Revisited Saving Time (and Money) While Online by Maria L.
Langer, Tricks with TeachText.
Name = Mac Tips & Tricks 5/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Tips & Tricks 5/93
Size:103K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 5/93
Macintosh Tips & Tricks 5/93 - This is the shareware version of MACINTOSH
TIPS & TRICKS. Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker
format document, MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS includes Macintosh news and
information, as well as productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
This issue is sponsered by TransNet Corp. Articles include "Addresses and
Envelopes with Microsoft Word 5.1", "Understanding Excel's Number Format
Codes", and "Creating a Lookup Script with Filemaker Pro 2.0".
Name = Mac Tips & Tricks 6/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Tips & Tricks 6/93
Size: 79K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 6/93
Macintosh Tips & Tricks 6/93 - This is the shareware version of MACINTOSH
TIPS & TRICKS. Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker
format document, MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS includes Macintosh news and
information, as well as productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
This tenth issue features - Masthead, From the Editor's Desktop, Letters,
Product News, Selectin Word Menu Commands from the Keyboard, Anchored items
in QuarkXPress, Quick Tips, Productivity Tools, Writer's Guidelines, and
Books offered through Giles Roads Press.
Name = Mac Tips & Tricks 7/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Tips & Tricks 7/93
Size: 46K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 7/93
Macintosh Tips & Tricks 7/93 - This Special MacWorld issue, which is
sponsored by Digital Diversions, Inc. and the National Home & School
Macintosh Users Group, features - Masthead, Special MacWorld Issue, From
the Editor's Desktop, Letters, Product News, Using Graphics in an Excel Bar
Chart, Getting Macintosh Tips & Tricks from the Internet, Mastering Memory
- Getting Beyond the 8 MB Barrier, Writer's Guidelines and More!
Name = Mac Tips & Tricks 8/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Tips & Tricks 8/93
Size: 88K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 8/93
Macintosh Tips & Tricks 8/93 - This is the shareware version of MACINTOSH
TIPS & TRICKS. Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker
format document, MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS includes Macintosh news and
information, as well as productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
This issue features - Masthead, From the Editor's Desktop, Letters (from
readers worldwide), (Almost) Painless Software Installation, Using Excel
Creat Mail Merge Data Files, Safe - Security for Your Mac, Part I-The End
of the Line for Data Thieves, Quick Tips and more!
Name = Mac Tips & Tricks 9/93
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mac Tips & Tricks 9/93
Size: 81K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 9/93
Macintosh Tips & Tricks 9/93 - This is the shareware version of MACINTOSH
TIPS & TRICKS. Distributed electronically as a double-clickable DOCMaker
format document, MACINTOSH TIPS & TRICKS includes Macintosh news and
information, as well as productivity tips for various Macintosh products.
This issue features - Masthead, From the Editor's Desktop, Letters,
Learning about the Internet, "Stamping" Microsoft Word Docs, Productivity
Tools - CopyDoubler, Quick Tips, Product News, This Space for Rent, Writers
Guidelines, Books offered through Giles Roads Press, and Info about
subscribing to Mac Tips & Tricks.
Name = MacToolsReview
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacToolsReview
Size: 20K Date: 1/02/91 Version:
This is a review of MacTools by Mike O'Boyle for the AMUG Newsletter.
MacTool's is a file manipulation and recovery program for the Macintosh
Name = MacUSA Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacUSA Review
Size: 28K Date:10/09/92 Version:
MacUSA Review - Here's a handy electronic atlas of the United States. This
review discusses its weak and strong points. Several illustrations are
included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, award-winning newsletter of The
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = MacWorld Rebuttal
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacWorld Rebuttal
Size: 5K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
MacWorld Rebuttal - This is a 1 page, revealing look at how inaccurate a
software review can be, even in a major magazine like MacWorld. It
re-analyzes the data of a MacWorld review of scanner software and shows
that experts can go wrong. MacWorld would not print this. Perhaps they were
too ashamed. This article was in the April, 1992 issue of the MacValley
Voice. It is a Word 5.0 document.
Name = MacWorld Wrap Up
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MacWorld Wrap Up
Size: 16K Date: 9/10/93 Version:
MacWorld Wrap Up - This year’s MacWorld Expo/Boston was a blast. Of course,
the biggest firecracker at the show was Apple’s hand-held, intelligent
organizer, personal assistant, communicator, and Etch-a-Sketch
all-in-one—the “platform-agnostic” Newton MessagePad. It was so “hot” it
was rolled out at a special unveiling on Monday before the show started.
Other sparklers included Kai Krause’s demonstration of LivePicture and the
release of a slew of new versions of Mac applications. Read about one
person's experiences and views of MacWorld. The author includes a pict of
the Newton Logo.
Name = Macintosh Dictionary Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Macintosh Dictionary Review
Size: 5K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Macintosh Dictionary Review - A review of Andy Baird's new book defining
all the jargon and phrases commonly found in the Mac world. If you pick
this up for publication in a newsletter, please send a copy to G. Kazdin
31 Williams Ave., Pocasset MA 02559
Name = Maclabel Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Maclabel Review
Size: 13K Date:10/30/91 Version:
This Review is for AMUG News September 1991 by Anne Ascoli on MacLabelPro
by Avery. MacLabelPro is a very practical, general purpose program for
designing & printing labels, address, shipping, computer diskette labels,
post cards, names tags, etc. This review may be reprinted by other User
Groups provided AMUG and the author receive credit and a copy of any
reprint at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Macs for Dummies Book Rev.T
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Macs for Dummies Book Rev.T
Size: 3K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Macs for Dummies Book Rev - This is a very brief review of David Pogue's
book, Macs for Dummies. It appeared in a recent issue of the Voice,
newsletter of the MacValley Users Group, Burbank, CA. It is in TEXT only
format and can be opened by any word processor.
Name = Macworld Tokyo
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Macworld Tokyo
Size: 6K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Macworld Tokyo - this is a nice review of MacWorld Tokyo. Read it for
insights on how you can prepare for this adventure.
Name = Magnet Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Magnet Review
Size: 18K Date:11/13/92 Version:
Magnet Review - Magnet is billed as the "first intelligent agent for the
Macintosh." It can automatically back up, move, make aliases, trash, etc.
files according to your preferences. Is this the future of utility
programs? This review includes several screenshots which show most of the
program's functions. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah
Macintosh Users Group.
Name = MakeTestRev.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MakeTestRev.
Size: 33K Date: 2/09/91 Version:
This is a Review of MakeTest a Macintosh Teachers Tool for AMUG News.
Name = March UAUG Diskletter
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:March UAUG Diskletter
Size: 99K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
March UAUG Diskletter - Here's the first edition of what we hope will
become a monthly feature for the Upstate Apple Users Group: the monthly
DISKLETTER. Whether that happens or not depends on you, and whether you
want it! We look forward to your reactions. The DISKLETTER is divided up
into "Chapters" (You're now reading "Chapter 1") and each chapter can have
many "pages." To scroll up or down each "page" you can click on the
vertical scroll bar you find on the right hand side of this window; to
move to other Chapters you can use the menu bar (above) or you can click on
the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of this window.
Name = Mariah Review Rebuttal
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mariah Review Rebuttal
Size: 4K Date: 2/23/92 Version:
Mariah Review Rebuttal - Mariah Pariah? I just received your review of
Mariah, and I’d like to say “Thank you,” but I find it hard to do that. I
must take issue with some of your incorrect statements about Mariah. This
is a rebuttal to the Mirah review from SMUG. Provided by Jim Alley.
Name = Mariah Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mariah Review
Size: 20K Date:12/08/91 Version:
Mariah is billed as "the Multimedia Manager." It allows you to catalog,
sort, copy and paste, and retrieve all sorts of graphics as well as sounds
and animations. This review points out both its strong and weak its points.
The article, which includes several illustrations, was reprinted from Mac
Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group. By Jim Alley.
Name = May UpstateMUG
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:May UpstateMUG
Size:262K Date: 5/31/93 Version:
May UpstateMUG - This is the monthly publication from Upstate MUG in Utica,
New York. This issue contains tutorials on stuffit and compact pro, an
article on carpal tunnel syndrome, teachtext tricks, Computers and
Volunteers, and a few columns - Tricks of the Trade, Quick Mac Tips, Mac
Additions, Gripe of the Month (What is an end user anyway) and much more.
Name = Media magic.txt
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Media magic.txt
Size: 5K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Media magic.txt - describes the magic of multimedia and a Presidential
Name = Memory/Speed Tech Note
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Memory/Speed Tech Note
Size: 25K Date:10/28/93 Version:
Memory/Speed Tech Note - This is a stand alone document entitled Speed and
Memory Enhancements Made Easy. Most of us continually add things to our
Macs and our software environment. These additions take the form of new
fonts, DAs, Control Panels and Extentions, etc. Ordinarily, because after
all it is a Mac, we don't give much thought to the impact these additions
may have on our operation system. While most of us are familiar with the
problems of Extension conflicts, we seldom realize that these many
additions have two other effects on our OS. Speed is the first issue. What
happens is that we add things incrementally, one piece at a time. Download
to read the rest of this article!
Name = MiBAC ReviewML
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MiBAC ReviewML
Size: 12K Date:10/14/91 Version:
MiBAC's Music Lessons is reviewed in this article by John Svetlik October
10, 1991. Contains info the in's and outs of Music Lessons and MIDI music
theory. Reprinted from AMUG News. Other User Groups may reprint this review
provided the author, and AMUG are provided a copy at 718 E. Campbell Ave.,
Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = MinotaurReview
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MinotaurReview
Size: 46K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
MinotaurReview - Review of Bungie Software second release. Very good
Network game. Includes Screen shot in 8 bit color Pict format.
Name = Mission Starlight
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mission Starlight
Size: 5K Date: 5/11/91 Version:
This is a review of Mission Star. Reprinted from AMUG News of the Arizona
Macintosh Users Group. Other user groups may reprint provided the author
and AMUG are given credit.
Name = Mission Thunderbolt
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Mission Thunderbolt
Size: 5K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Mission Thunderbolt - Review of Casady & Greene's published game Mission
THUNDERBOLT. First seen at San Francisco Expo 92. 1.5 page Word 4.0 format.
Name = More Disk Space Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:More Disk Space Review
Size: 27K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
More Disk Space Review - A new group of utilities is appearing on
Macintoshes around you. Once it was the rage to archive files by grouping
them into a single file and compressing that group for storage or
transmission via telecommunications. Famous in this task are StuffIt Deluxe
and Compactor Pro. Later, file-by-file compression on the desktop appeared
in such INITs as DiskDoubler and SuperDisk. Now we are faced with
compression of all (or most) files on your hard disk as a way of life! A
Reprint from SMUG.
Name = Morph Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Morph Review
Size: 3K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Morph Review - Morphs. It seems as if they are everywhere you turn lately.
Even if you missed Michael Jackson's video, "Terminator 2," and the latest
Star Trek movie, you've surely seen TV ads featuring last year's minivan
"evolving" into this year's model. A morph is a two dimensional, spatially
warped (non-linear) crossfade, and you can now do it on your own Mac. This
review tells how. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah
Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Multiple Master Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Multiple Master Review
Size: 31K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Multiple Master Review - This article explains the benefits offered by
Adobe's new Multiple Master font technology. Several interesting
illustrations are included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, award-winning
newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Music Book Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Music Book Review
Size: 48K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
Music Book Review - This is a review of the giant book dealing with music
on the Mac. It has been getting excellent coverage on national magazines
such as MacWEEK. Now your readers can find out why. This package from Mac
Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group, includes a
striking 3D graphic of a music note which can spruce up your pages.
Name = MusicShop Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:MusicShop Review
Size: 5K Date:11/10/93 Version:
MusicShop Review - This text file is a MusicShop Review by a New Yorker. It
starts off...About six weeks ago I dove into music and MIDI head first.
Armed with a new keyboard and a Mac, I was determined to erase my traumatic
memories of childhood piano lessons. Back then, my fingers failed me, as
did my patience, and I quit piano because the frustration level was too
high. But now I wanted to try again...with a new high-tech approach. Enter
MIDI, a musical language that allows electronic instruments to talk to each
other. With MIDI every aspect and nuance of a performance is captured as
digital information. Find out what happened!
Name = N&P1.1
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:N&P1.1
Size: 20K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 1.1
N&P1.1 - EFF Networks & Policy; A Quarterly Publication of the Electronic
Frontier Foundation Volume 1, Issue 1. In This Issue - Open Platform
Update, Congressional Review, From the Director, Available Documents, CPF
(Communications Policy Forum), FBI Proposal Blocked, Steve Jackson Games,
EFF Calendar. The 103rd Congress and the Clinton Administration are
currently focusing major political attention on the modernization of the
nation's telecommunications infrastructure, and EFF's Open Platform
Proposal is at the center of this debate. Learn more about this.
Name = N&P1.2
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:N&P1.2
Size: 27K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 1.2
N&P1.2 - NETWORKS & POLICY; A Quarterly Publication of the Electronic
Frontier Foundation, Volume I, Issue I. In This Issue - Clipper Chip, NREN
Applications, From the Director, Communications Policy Forum, Members Only
Legal Servics, Staff Update, Pioneer Awards, Congressional Review and EFF
Calendar. On April 16, 1993, the Clinton Administration announced a
proposal for a new national cryptography policy. Under this proposed
policy, a voice encryption standard using a Clipper Chip would be adopted,
and two escrow agents would each hold half of a code key that could be used
todecrypt messages encrypted by a particular Clipper Chip. Find out more.
Name = NEP vs CPU
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:NEP vs CPU
Size: 9K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
NEP vs CPU - Lately, a number of products have been released that help you
curb your PowerBook’s battery hunger. The two products reviewed here,
Symantec’s Norton Essentials for PowerBook and Connectix PowerBook
Utilities, not only aim to do that but, in addition, they pack a peck of
other propitious utilities, all tailor-made for PowerBooks.This is a review
of them.
Name = Newsletter Aldus
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Newsletter Aldus
Size: 5K Date: 5/04/90 Version:
Newsletter article re Aldus PageMaker 4.0 May 3 90 meeting
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:NEWSLTR
Size: 7K Date: 5/05/90 Version:
AMUG Presidents message for newsletter, proof complete
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:NEWSLTR2
Size: 6K Date: 5/05/90 Version:
Bits & Pieces for newsletter, proof completed
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:NEWSLTR3
Size: 5K Date: 5/05/90 Version:
Aldus 4.0 seminar for newsletter, proof completed
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:NEWSLTTR FOR GARY
Size: 8K Date: 4/06/91 Version:
This is the May 1991 Newsletter column for AMUG Best of, and the Desktop
Publishing sig by Lea Bromley.
Name = New Apple Products
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:New Apple Products
Size: 42K Date: 6/10/92 Version:
New Apple Products - This is actually two articles describing several new
offerings from Apple. The first article describes Macintosh PC Exchange, a
control panel which allows Macs to mount DOS disks. The second article
gives an overview of the new Quadra 950 and the QuickTime Starter Kit.
Illustrstions are included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = New Mac AVs article
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:New Mac AVs article
Size: 4K Date: 8/11/93 Version:
New Mac AVs article - This article came from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of
The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. The article is about the New Macs (Aug
93), specifically the Quadra a.v. and Centris a.v. The article discusses
speech recognition, new video aspects, and the new monitor.
Name = News & Views-3/92
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:News & Views-3/92
Size: 6K Date: 2/23/92 Version:
This is News & Views for the February AMUG meeting by Chardonai. This
article gives information on the February 20, 1992 AMUG meeting, who spoke,
door prizes and special offers available.
Name = No Greater Glory
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:No Greater Glory
Size: 6K Date:12/23/92 Version:
No Greater Glory - No Greater Glory is a strategy game based on the Civil
War. The author is a Civil War buff. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter
of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Norton review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Norton review
Size: 14K Date: 9/09/91 Version:
This is a review of Norton Utilities Norton Utilitiesby Karl Keierleber.
This Article may be reprinted by other User Groups provided the
Author and the AMUG News Team are given credit and a copy at 718 E.
Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Now Up-To-Date Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Now Up-To-Date Review
Size: 27K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
Now Up-To-Date Review - The computer is the ideal method of managing data;
and one important form of data we all have to deal with is our own schedule
of meetings, appointments, birthdays, and the like. Given this need, there
have been a number of software programs developed to help us keep track of
our timetables. These include relatively simple reminder utilities such as
Alarms Clock, slightly more sophisticated packages such as CalenDAr and
First Things First, and full-fledged programs such as Alarming Events from
CE Software. A review.
Name = OPD_REV
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:OPD_REV
Size:205K Date: 1/27/93 Version:
OPD_REV - OmniPage Direct review for the AMUG newsletter.
Name = Once Upon a time
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:Once Upon a time
Size: 25K Date: 1/24/91 Version:
Once Upon a Time...in review by Karl Keierleber
"Once Upon a Time" is a program designed for the young story teller in your
life. Future authors write, illustrate and publish their works all from the
comfort of home. My trio of story tellers faces beamed as each of their
stories emerged from the printer. The graphics only needed the finishing
touch from a crayon or colored pencil and each child was now a published
writer. The books became a source of great pride. This review attempts to
give some of the features of the program.
Name = OnlineReview
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:M-O:OnlineReview
Size: 12K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
OnlineReview - Online Services... A Commentary on America Online, GEnie,
and Prodigy © 1992 by Wendy Marchuck. There are many online services
including BBSs. Personally, I prefer calling free local BBSs because there
is a certain attitude and friendliness offered that I enjoy. But, pay
online services certainly offer many features free BBSs cannot... extensive
file libraries without download ratios, public forums on a wide array of
topics, news, shopping, and encyclopedias - I've only touched the surface.
Name = Open Platform Proposal
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Open Platform Proposal
Size: 15K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Open Platform Proposal - THE OPEN PLATFORM PROPOSAL - A Proposal by the
Electronic Frontier Foundation for a National Telecommunications
Infrastructure. Until now, the nation’s telecommunications policy debate
has largely been perceived as a struggle among entrenched commercial
interests over who will control and dominate markets such as information
services, manufacturing, and long distance service. It is time to refocus
the debate by seeking near-term technological, economic, legislative, and
regulatory solutions that will encourage the rapid development of a diverse
information services market and help realize the democratic potential of
new information media. Find out more!
Name = PB Plug Alert
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PB Plug Alert
Size: 18K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
PB Plug Alert - This text document alerts Powerbook users to a potential
power plug problem that can wipe out the PowerBook's power management
circuits and send it back to the shop (and cost big bucks). Includes a
short article and diagram.
Name = PICTS
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PICTS
Size: 4K Date:11/16/92 Version:
PICTS - TeachText application supplied with the current Macintosh product
line is capable of reading either standard text documents or PICT graphic
files. However, you can also create a text document that has PICT graphics
within it, too. Any graphic element(s), such as boldfaced text,
photographs, line art, etc., can be embedded in a TeachText text document.
The only requirement is that the graphic elements be saved as PICT
resources within the actual text document; as such, you will need ResEdit
to install the graphics.
Name = PM4.2 Good Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PM4.2 Good Review
Size: 29K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
PM4.2 Good Review - This is a review of the new, good features of PageMaker
4.2. It covers many things that are better in the new version. After all,
not everything is bad about PM. It is a Word 5.0 file with 5 associated
figures (PICT) and captions included. It appeared in the April, 1992 issue
of the MacValley Voice, newsletter of the MacValley Users Group, Burbank,
Name = PM4.2 Opinion
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PM4.2 Opinion
Size: 9K Date: 2/23/92 Version:
The arrival of PageMaker 4.2 will be met with praise from current users of
the program, but with yawns from the rest of us. Aldus is playing catchup
with the competition with this release, but there are definite
improvements. The new version is System 7-savvy and gives improved
performance in several areas. There is support for Publish and Subscribe,
which gives improved linking to imported graphics files. This is a review
of PM 4.0 by the SMUG. Provided by Jim Alley for BBS in a BOX distribution.
Name = PPress Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PPress Review
Size: 13K Date: 5/11/91 Version:
This is a review of Personal Press Review by Frank Turovich of AMUG.
Reprinted from AMUG News of the Arizona Macintosh Users Group.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PRES DESK
Size: 6K Date:10/03/90 Version:
This is the Presidents desk for April 1990.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PROGRAPH REV2
Size: 38K Date: 1/22/91 Version:
The 2nd review in a series on Prograpg 2.0.
Name = Painter Review Figures
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Painter Review Figures
Size:237K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Painter Review Figures - This is a set of 5 EPS figures (and a TEXT file of
captions) that complement the review of Painter, uploaded separately. These
figures exemplify the power of this great program. They enhance the review
but are not necessary for it to be understood.
Name = Painter Review.TEXT
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Painter Review.TEXT
Size: 8K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Painter Review.TEXT - This is a terrific review of the powerful graphics
program, Painter. It was written by a professional design artist and was
the feature article of a recent issue of the Voice, newsletter of the
MacValley Users Group, Burbank, CA. It is in TEXT only format and can be
opened by any word processor. A set of excellent EPS graphics created by
the program has been uploaded as a separate file. They enhance the article
but are not necessary if you don't have the space.
Name = Peachpit/Pagemaker
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Peachpit/Pagemaker
Size: 7K Date:11/16/91 Version:
Misty Spinelli reviews Peachpit Does PageMaker! The premiere Macintosh book
publisher has two new books out on PageMaker -- one by Robin Williams,
author of "The Mac is not a typewriter" and "The Little Mac Book."
This review, by a PageMaker professional, examines both offerings. The
author is Professor of Graphic Design and Computer Graphics at The Savannah
College of Art and Design. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of
the Savannah MUG.
Name = Performa update
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Performa update
Size: 8K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Performa update - Apple’s Performa™ line of personal computers have begun
arriving at area mass merchandisers, and office superstores. For the next
few months, until after the Christmas, and post-Christmas sales, it will be
very interesting to watch Apple’s Performance. Will they reach the 7
million potential buyers for whom their new systems were developed? I did
some shopping soon after the Performas began appearing on the shelves, next
to Packard Bell, Acer, and other PC compatible computers. I made phone
calls, and visits to Circuit City, OfficeMax, Sears, Silo, and Staples.
Generally speaking, my experiences were mixed; both good and bad.
Name = Pers.RKeeper
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Pers.RKeeper
Size: 10K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
Pers.RKeeper - Nolo's Personal RecordKeeper is a database that can help you
organize your affairs, from making an inventory of your personal property
to storing vital information for use in an emergency. This review is
reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users
Name = Personal Press Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Personal Press Review
Size: 17K Date:10/14/92 Version:
Personal Press Review - Now in version 2.0, Personal Press competes with
Publish It! Easy from Timeworks (see the January 1992 issue of Mac Monitor
for Barton Brown’s review of Publish It! Easy) and vies for your attention
in a crowded market of powerful word processors. You may want to re-read
the Personal Press (version 1.0) review by L. Frank Turovich, of the
Arizona Macintosh Users Group, in the December 1991 issue of Mac Monitor.
It’s time for an update.
Name = Persuasion Rev
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Persuasion Rev
Size: 41K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
Persuasion Rev.dd - is a review of Persuasion from Dorman Bullard of the
AMUG News Team. Other Users Groups may reprint provided AMUG and the Author
receive a copy of any reprints at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Photoshop
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Photoshop
Size: 41K Date: 8/05/91 Version:
Thios is a review of Adobe Photoshop by Ronald D. LaCour. Preliminary
rating on the product is 4 DAUGs on a 5 DAUG scale. The documentation is
very good. A very good tutorial is included and explains the basics very
well. From the DuPage User Group. DAUG, DuPage Apple User Group, 848
Queenswood Ct., Wheaton, Il 60187. This article may be reprinted provided
the author and DuPage receive credit. Use Disk Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
Name = Photoshop10-91
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Photoshop10-91
Size: 9K Date: 2/03/92 Version:
Photoshop opens door to a visual feast of delights. A Review by Marty
Safir, MacValley Users Group. I haven’t been this excited about new
software in a long time. That familiar compulsion to explore—to while away
time just getting familiar with new menus, to read and re-read passages of
documentation until things begin to make sense, to test commands over and
over just to see the results—it’s just “filtered” over me lately with
Photoshop 2.0.
Name = Photoshop 2.5 review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Photoshop 2.5 review
Size:132K Date: 8/11/93 Version: review
Photoshop 2.5 review - This review article is from Mac Monitor, the
newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. What’s so special about
Photoshop? This article explains the different uses and areas of Photoshop.
If you are considering buying Photoshop, or upgrading from an older version
of Photoshop, read this article for some great insight!
Name = PostScript Level 2
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PostScript Level 2
Size: 5K Date: 8/11/93 Version:
PostScript Level 2 - An article on The New and Improved Page Description
Language. Recently the author attended a seminar in Atlanta on Postscript
Level 2. Adobe and Agfa were both represented, and in the course of the day
she not only learned a great deal about Postscript in general, but about
many other new products as well. This file is a summary of that day. This
article came from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh
Users Group.
Name = PowerBook Companion review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PowerBook Companion review
Size: 21K Date:12/23/92 Version:
PowerBook Companion review - This review of Rich Wolfson's book "The
PowerBook Companion" could be called biased, inasmuch as the author is a
friend of mine ;). Nevertheless, I think this makes a good case for the
book being indispensable for almost any PB owner. It's just about the best
Mac book I've seen all year.
Name = PowerBook and Quadra
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:PowerBook and Quadra
Size: 5K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
PowerBook and Quadra - This MS Word file contains an article written for
TidBITS and CLICKS, the MUGWUMP newsletter, about recent changes in
PowerBook prices and configuration, and Quadra prices. The PowerBooks, for
example, are now available with 80Mb hard drives, and the 170 is available
without its anemic Apple internal modem and restrictive 2Mb upgrade card.
Feel free to reprint in your newsletters, but please read the note within
the file regarding giving credit, and please send a copy of your
newsletter. MHA
Name = Prograph Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Prograph Review
Size: 25K Date: 1/04/91 Version:
Prograph Review for the AMUG Newsletter.
Name = proofing vs. spell checking
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:proofing vs. spell checking
Size: 3K Date:11/13/92 Version:
proofing vs. spell checking - This is a short one- or two-page article on
the necessity to proof (and what to look out for), even though you use a
spell checker, from a series I write for the Princeton PMUG Dialog geared
toward the average user who types letters, reports, etc.
Name = Puzzle Palace
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:Puzzle Palace
Size: 17K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Puzzle Palace - Decrypting the Puzzle Palace. Over a year ago, in a
condition of giddier innocence than I enjoy today, I wrote the following
about the discovery of Cyberspace - "Imagine discovering a continent so
vast that it may have no other side. Imagine a new world with more
resources than all our future greed might exhaust, more opportunities than
there will ever be entrepreneurs enough to exploit, and a peculiar kind of
real estate which expands with development." One less felicitous feature of
this terrain which I hadn't noticed then is what seems to be a
long-encamped and immense army of occupation. Read on.
Name = Q & A For Beginners.TEXT
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Q & A For Beginners.TEXT
Size: 7K Date:11/13/92 Version:
Q & A For Beginners - This is a set of questions and answers that comprised
a Beginner's column in the Oct issue of the MacValley Voice newsletter.
Included are discussions about who should use System 7, what is
defragmenting and who should do it, how to rebuild the desktop file to
improve speed, TrueType versus PostScript fonts, how best to unfreeze a
frozen mouse, and how to get around the hated "Application is busy or
missing" dialog. It is a TEXT file, & so small it did not need compressing.
Name = QK 2.1.2 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:QK 2.1.2 Review
Size: 17K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
QK 2.1.2 Review - The new version of QuicKeys packs some important new
features for both the novice and the power user. This review outlines it
all. Several screendumps are included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor,
newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Quadra AV.text!
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Quadra AV.text!
Size: 7K Date: 9/10/93 Version:
Quadra AV.text - Apple’s New “Killer” Audio-Visual Machines - I talked to a
Macintosh today. Well, actually, I’ve talked to Macs before, but it was
usually under my breath — and hardly printable. The big difference is that
today the Mac that I spoke to heard me and responded. “Connie, shut down.”
“Are you sure you want to do that?” “Connie, cancel.” The Mac I spoke to
today — the Mac that executed my spoken commands was a new Quadra 840av,
officially announced today by Apple. The particular unit I interacted with
was named Connie, although it began the day with the name Phil (and with a
deeper voice) — gender change being as simple an operation as a quick trip
to a Control Panel. See what Jim Alley of SMUG thinks of the av's!
Name = Quark 3.2info
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Quark 3.2info
Size: 3K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Quark 3.2info - This is a short distillation of Quark's announcement
outlining the new features of ver. 3.2 coming out in '93. I gave it an
opening and a closing, and a few comments along the way.
Name = QuicKeys book review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:QuicKeys book review
Size: 4K Date: 2/17/92 Version:
A review of the new Peachpit Press book The Little QuicKeys Book. From the
Mid-Columbia Macintosh Users Group, Tri-Cities, Wash.
Name = QuickDEX II Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:QuickDEX II Review
Size: 26K Date: 2/03/92 Version:
QuickDEX II Review - Lightning Fast Data Retrieval. Having been in the
captivity of another Casady & Greene product (Glider 4.0), I have had to
force myself to do an otherwise pleasant task. As it turns out, QuickDEX II
is almost as fun to use. If you have lots of names and numbers on a
dog-eared Rolodex, hate dialing the phone, and appreciate speed, then
QuickDEX is for you.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:RADIUS ROCKET REVIEW
Size: 19K Date:12/12/91 Version:
Radius Rocket review by Schleeb. This is a review of the Radius Rocket
accellerator board for the Mac. Included are three graphics. From the
Mid-Columbia Macintosh Users Group in Tri-Cities, Wash. Permission granted
for redistribution granted by Perdue (McMUG) 12-12-91.
Name = RagTime 3 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:RagTime 3 Review
Size: 20K Date: 1/17/91 Version: 17JAN91
RagTime 3 Review in WOrd 4 format with PICT graphics shrunk to 48% using
the SHIFT key in Word.
Name = Real World FreeHand
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Real World FreeHand
Size: 4K Date: 9/28/91 Version:
Here is a review of the Real World FreeHand 3.0. This review is a reprint
from the AMUG News Team. This review may be reprinted by other Macintosh
Users Groups provided AMUG and the author recieve a copy of any reprint.
Name = Recipe article
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Recipe article
Size: 7K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Recipe article - This is a 1.5- to 2-page article, saved formatted in
MacWrite for import into page layout software, describing how to set up a
recipe card, with the idea of using your Mac to make up recipe cards to
enclose with holiday cookies. Aimed at eveyone, from novice to experienced
desktop publisher. Hope you can use it in time for Christmas! Or save it
for other occasions or next Christmas.
Name = Replace-Existing Hacks 1.3
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Replace-Existing Hacks 1.3
Size: 3K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 1.3
Replace-Existing Hacks 1.3 - If you have ever been annoyed at having to
reach for the mouse to respond to the “Replace existing fubar?” dialog,
here are some ways to fix it with ResEdit. Before giving the recipes, I
should mention that responsible experts always say that you should only use
ResEdit on a copy of your System file, not the one that is in use. Don’t
say you weren’t warned. This updated file gives recipes for dealing with
Systems 6, 7.0, 7.01 and 7.1. This is a text file.
Name = ReseditCompleteReview
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:ReseditCompleteReview
Size: 4K Date:12/12/91 Version:
A review of the best book out on ResEdit. Resedit Complete! From the
Mid-Columbia Macintosh Users Group in Tri-Cities, Wash. By Andy Perdue.
Permission granted for redistribution granted by Perdue 12-12-91.
Name = Review of "Wired".TXT
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Review of "Wired".TXT
Size: 9K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
Review of "Wired" - This is an article which reviews a new magazine you may
enjoy. "WIRED" is a new bi-monthly that's been selling out so quickly
you'll probably have a hard time finding it on your newstand. It claims to
celebrate “the Digital Generation’s ascendancy to power” and in its
manifesto declares that it “is here not to report on technology, but on the
meaning and context of the revolution sweeping the planet at the cusp of
the new millenium.”
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SALES BROCHURE
Size: 17K Date: 5/18/91 Version:
This is the new sales broucher for advertising proposed for AMUG in
PageMaker 4.0 format.
Name = Enemies on the Horizon!
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Enemies on the Horizon!
Size: 12K Date: 9/24/90 Version:
Sands of Fire screen dump 1. Uses SnapScreen.
Caption: Enemies on the horizon.
Name = Panzer III in my sights!
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Panzer III in my sights!
Size: 12K Date: 9/24/90 Version:
Snads of Fire screen dump 2. Uses SnapScreen.
Caption: Panzer III in my sights!
Name = SCANMAN &MacProof
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SCANMAN &MacProof
Size:110K Date: 6/05/90 Version:
This is the Scanman and MacProof articles for the August AMUG Newsletter
from Mike and Lea Bromley.
Name = SE 30 Something
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SE 30 Something
Size: 8K Date: 6/04/90 Version: DigestAr
SE 30 Something for the digest if you can use it. About my new Gemini
Accelerator board from total systems.
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SEED PROGRAM.PS
Size:155K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
SEED PROGRAM.PS - Sunset Direct is a marketing company representing some of
the largest micro-computer manufacturers in the U.S. (i.e. AddStor, Compaq,
Corel, DayStar, Frame Technology, Fusion Data, GateWay 2000, Pixar, PLI,
Radius, Ray Dream, Symantec, Technology Works, Tektronix, U.S. Robotics,
Xante, etc.) Sunset has been hired to identify volume buyers, provide full
working evaluation units of both hardware and software, and monitor
Name = SJG-decision
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:Electronic Frontier:SJG-decision
Size: 17K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Steve Jackson was both the owner and employee of Steve Jackson Games,
Incorporated, and authored many of its publications; he used both
Illuminati's public and private programs for electronic mail and his use
ranged from business records of the corporation, contracts with his
writers, communication with his writers regarding articles which were
intended to be published by the corporation, to private communications
with his business associates and friends. Read more about this case.
Name = SP3.0 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SP3.0 Review
Size: 91K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
A Word4 file reviewing Aldus/Silicon Beach's "bold new entry into color
graphics" with SuperPaint 3.0. Includes 2 supplementary TeachText color
picts (Menus, and Demo Print). This review was volunteered by AMUG member
Steve George (me). I was impressed enough with this product that I wanted
to get some of my own words out on it.
Name = G Spider Conch 75
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:D-G:G Spider Conch 75
Size: 18K Date:11/04/89 Version: Original
Yet Another. BEWARE! This one likes to crash Laserwriters!
Name = Stupid Mac Tricks, review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Stupid Mac Tricks, review
Size: 10K Date:10/06/91 Version:
Here is a review of Stupid Mac Tricks a book and disk by Ashley Bernard.
(compacted with compacter, Word 4.0). This is a reprint from the AMUG News
team. Other User Groups may reprint provided AMUG and the author are
provided credit and a copy of the review at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert,
AZ 85234.
Name = SUM Review AMUG
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SUM Review AMUG
Size: 12K Date: 5/11/91 Version:
This is a review of SUMII by Jim West of AMUG. Reprinted from AMUG News of
the Arizona Macintosh Users Group. Other user groups may reprint provided
the author and AMUG are given credit.
Name = Synch Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Synch Review
Size: 45K Date:11/04/89 Version:
Review of Synchroncity 1.1. Gary: If you are not going to use this soon,
Please let me know and I will post it for download. I may do that anyhow.
PS for Mike's benefit primarily: This was from AppleLink.
Name = September Space
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:September Space
Size: 30K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
September Space - The special "back to school UFO" edition of the Space
Sheet. art, stats and news...more fun than a primary election.
Name = SoftPC Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SoftPC Review
Size: 17K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
SoftPC Review - This is a review of SoftPC's programs, which let you Mac
emulate an IBM (sometimes people do strange things). Insignia Solutions
took on the incredible task of emulating an IBM PC-compatible computer
entirely in software. For the simplistic, this means not voiding your
warranty by installing boards, no dip switches to change, just load and go.
The primary difference between the two packages reviewed is the operating
environments. SoftPC for Windows is to be run on a Quadra class system or
system with an ‘040 processor, while SoftPC Professional will run on any
Mac for an ‘020 class processor on up.
Name = Software Versions11/92
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Software Versions11/92
Size: 24K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Software Versions 11/92 - This file includes software versions as of
November 1992.
Name = Star Trek
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Star Trek
Size: 23K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
Star Trek - From the same folks that brought you After Dark, a whole new
set of screen savers from the original Star Trek episodes. Illustrations
included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh
Users Group.
Name = Startup Downloader
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Startup Downloader
Size: 3K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Startup Downloader - This is a short review of a shareware utility that can
cut your printing times to a small fraction of their former times.
Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users
Name = Stitch Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Stitch Review
Size: 12K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Stitch Review - This is a review of a Macintosh Stitching program from
Name = Stratavision 3D Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Stratavision 3D Review
Size: 46K Date: 4/09/92 Version:
Stratavision 3D Review - Stratavision 3D is a complete 3D workshop. This is
a review by Paul Marquardt, professor of computer graphics at The Savannah
College of Art and Design. The main elements of the program are modeling,
animation, and rendering. The author discusses each of these modes. Several
illustrations are included. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = StuffIt DELUXEvs.Compactor
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:StuffIt DELUXEvs.Compactor
Size: 6K Date:10/29/90 Version:
AUTHOR: Bob Rockefeller
An article has been reprinted a lot lately attesting to the superiority of
Compactor over Compactor. Now that Compctr DELUXE has been released, the
president of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group takes a closer look. Things
have changed. This is a short article which contains a table showing the
results of the new tests. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of the
Savannah Macintosh Users Group. Okay to reprint.
Name = SunMonitor
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SunMonitor
Size: 41K Date: 4/14/93 Version:
SunMonitor - This document describes how to hook a Sun 19" or 16" trinitron
monitor to a Macintosh. It involves making a video cable and adjusting the
sync frequency on the monitor. If you are at all intimidated by hardware,
do not attempt this procedure. This procedure involves adjusting resistors
inside the monitor; components in the monitor hold a large electrical
charge. As long as you are careful and don't go poking around this is not
dangerous. Just don't get too curious about the innards of the monitor.
Name = Sup.QDex Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Sup.QDex Review
Size: 22K Date:10/14/92 Version:
Sup.QDex Review - After reviewing QuickDEX II for MacMonitor several months
ago, I was eager to try the printing and mail-merge features of the Super
QuickDEX package. In addition to a fresh copy of QuickDEX II, the
collection also includes PrintDEX, a utility which can print cards created
in QuickDEX on envelopes and labels, and QuickELOPE, a desk accessory which
quickly and easily prints a single envelope or label.
Name = SuperATM Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SuperATM Review
Size: 44K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
SuperATM Review - To deal with this new found mobility in the Information
Age, the people at Adobe have come up with SuperATM. Its basic purpose, as
stated on page one of the User Guide, “…is to provide placeholders for
original typefaces while a work is in progress.” In other words, as long as
SuperATM is installed on any of the Macs you use, it preserves the basic
original look of your document, regardless of what fonts exist in the
system of the Mac on which you are currently working. This is a review.
Name = SuperLaserSpool Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:SuperLaserSpool Review
Size: 12K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
SuperLaserSpool Review - This article reviews and tests SuperLaserSpool, a
popular print spooling utility. In this review, SLS and Apple's System 7
PrintMonitor are compared head-to-head in actual printing tests. This
hard-hitting review tells the facts on whether you should get SLS or be
satisfied with PrintMonitor. The results will probably surprise you. It is
a Word 5.0 file, containing 2 graphics and one table. It appears in the
May, 1992 issue of the MacValley Voice, newsletter of the MacValley Users
Group, Burbank, CA.
Name = Swamp Gas
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:Swamp Gas
Size: 3K Date:12/08/91 Version:
Here's a game that is truly a blend of education and entertainment. Tested
by professionals and reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah
Macintosh Users Group. By Peter Simpson.
Name = System 7.1 review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:System 7.1 review
Size: 31K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
System 7.1 review - by Wolfgang Naegeli. Until the end of January, Apple
offers a 20% System 7.1 Update discount to MUG members. Should you take
advantage of it? In this year’s Apple User Group TV, Apple recommended that
users of System 7.0 and System 7.0.1 who have installed the System 7 TuneUp
1.1.1 wait before upgrading to System 7.1 until they want to start using a
new software package that requires System 7.1. (However, they recommend
that you upgrade if you are still running a pre-System 7 version).
Name = System 7 Bug
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:System 7 Bug
Size: 6K Date: 5/08/92 Version:
System 7 Bug - Article about the Disappearing Files Bug. Very timely info,
and has some good hints on how to avoid being bitten, and how to recover,
or as much as is possible.
Name = System7 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:P-S:System7 Review
Size: 56K Date: 2/17/92 Version:
This is an extensive overview of System 7, its powerful features, and many
tips on how to get the best from System 7. It covers why you should switch
to System7, as well as weaknesses of the system and who should not go to
System 7. It appeared as the lead article in the Feb 1992 issue of the
MacValley Voice, newsletter of the MacValley users group, Burbank and the
greateSan Fernando Valley, CA. You will find it fun, interesting reading,
and a good addition to and teaching about System 7. Feel free to re-publish
it in your newsletter.
Name = ^T-Shirt Order Form EPSF
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:^T-Shirt Order Form EPSF
Size: 17K Date: 5/10/90 Version: 1.0
*Mike this is the T-Shirt order form for the June Newsletter, call me
tommorrow and let me know what you think!!!
Name = TStyler/LStudio Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:TStyler/LStudio Review
Size: 33K Date:10/14/92 Version:
TStyler/LStudio Review - Two programs are available that allow you to go
beyond—way beyond—the confines of conventional typographic effects. In
fact, both TypeStyler and LetraStudio have recently been upgraded to newer
and more powerful versions. For a long time, TypeStyler was the clear
choice for type manipulation, but now the issue is not so obvious. What are
the strengths and weaknesses of these two programs? Read on.
Name = Tabs & Indents
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Tabs & Indents
Size: 36K Date:10/28/93 Version:
Tabs & Indents - A New Robin Williams Book - Discovering that there are
apparently many others like me out there who have trouble with the way the
Mac handles tabs and indents was a great relief to me. For some reason —
presumably because of my long history with the typewriter — I have been
struggling with these pesky things for years. But Robin Williams (The
Little Mac Book, The Mac is not a typewriter, et. al) has written a book
which has finally clarified the subject for me. Tabs & Indents on the
Macintosh is a tiny (63 pages) book/disk combination whichclearly explains
tabs and indents in just the first 20 pages. The rest of the book (and the
disk) are devoted to exercises that allow you to practice.
Name = Tenderfoot
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Tenderfoot
Size: 23K Date: 4/16/91 Version:
This is a series of "Tenderfoot" new Mac user columns for AMUG News by
Frank Turovich.
Name = Tenderfoot #6
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Tenderfoot #6
Size: 6K Date: 9/28/91 Version: 6
AMUG Tenderfoots #6, Getting Started With, Programming, By L. Frank
Turovich, Copyright ©1991, All Rights Reserved. This review may be
reprinted by other Macintosh Users Groups provided AMUG and the author
recieve a copy of any reprint at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Tenderfoot #7
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Tenderfoot #7
Size: 10K Date: 9/28/91 Version: 7
AMUG Tenderfoots #7, Stepping Into Scripts, By L. Frank Turovich, Copyright
©1991, All Rights Reserved. This review may be reprinted by other Macintosh
Users Groups provided AMUG and the author recieve a copy of any reprint at
718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Tenderfoots#10
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Tenderfoots#10
Size: 7K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Tenderfoots#10 deals with fonts and is by Frank Turovich - This article is
a reprint from AMUG News. This articles deals with developments in the Mac
market. Other User Groups may reprint this article provided AMUG and the
author recieve credit and a copy of any reprints at 718 E. Campbell Ave.,
Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = The Apple CD ROM
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:The Apple CD ROM
Size: 11K Date:12/10/91 Version:
This is a review of the Apple CD-ROM from the AMUG News Team. This article
was written by Dorman Bullard. Other User Groups may reprint this article
provided AMUG and the author recieve credit and a copy of the review at 718
E. Campbell Ave. Gilbert, AZ 85234. (602) 892-5454.
Name = The Little System 7 Book
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:The Little System 7 Book
Size: 4K Date: 7/09/91 Version:
Many folks want to upgrade to System 7, but don't want to spend the nearly
$100 that Apple is asking for its upgrade kit. The disks are available from
user groups, but not the manuals. Enter Peachpit Press. Here's another
great and inexpensive book from the publishers of "The Little Mac Book,"
"The Mac Is Not A Typewriter," "The Quark XPress Book," and others.
Reprinted from Mac Monitor (Savannah MUG). AUTHOR - Jim Alley.
Name = Thunder 7 Upgrade Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Thunder 7 Upgrade Review
Size: 9K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Thunder 7 Upgrade Review - Thunder 7 has been upgraded! This review
explains why system-wide spell checking is desirable, and how Thunder 7
fulfills this need. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah
Macintosh Users Group.
Name = TimesTwo?
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:TimesTwo?
Size: 7K Date:12/23/92 Version:
TimesTwo? - This is a review of Times Two from the Arizona Macintosh Users
Name = TouchBase 2.0 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:TouchBase 2.0 Review
Size: 14K Date:12/08/91 Version:
The new release of this "contacts manager" has added several key features,
including the ability to use multiple return addresses. TouchBase 2.0
includes levels of power not available in the competition. This review,
which includes several illustrations, was reprinted from Mac Monitor,
newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group. By Jim Alley.
Name = TouchBase Pro Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:TouchBase Pro Review
Size: 32K Date:10/28/93 Version:
TouchBase Pro Review - TouchBase, the contact management software par
excellance, has recently been upgraded to TouchBase Pro, and it sports
numerous welcome new features. TouchBase has been managing all of the
contacts for Mac Monitor for several years, so I was eager to test the new
version. I wasn’t disappointed. TouchBase Pro lets you keep extensive
information in an “electronic Rolodex” that goes far beyond the
capabilities of its analog counterpart. You can store, retrieve, sort, and
print out all of your business and/or personal contacts. TouchBase will
even dial your phone for you — and log the action for a permanent record.
Read more of this review.
Name = Trouble With Quark
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Trouble With Quark
Size: 8K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Trouble With Quark - QuarkXPress may be the heavyweight of page layout
programs, but dealing with the company can be frustrating. This article
describes the writer's experiences. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter
of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = TypeStyler 1.5
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:TypeStyler 1.5
Size: 57K Date: 8/05/91 Version: 1.5
TypeStyler 1.5 is an article reprinted from Mac Monitor, the newsletter of
The Savannah Macintosh Users Group. It may be reprinted in a single issue
of newsletters published by non-profit user groups. Payment shall consist
of a single issue of the newsletter in which the article appears, sent to
Jim Alley, 320 East 54th Street,Savannah, GA 31405. © 1991 The Savannah
Macintosh Users Group - Jim Alley. Use Disk Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
Name = Typography Books Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Typography Books Review
Size: 4K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Typography Books Review - This is a review of two books on typography from
North Light Books. One book would be a valuable addition to anyone in the
field of desktop publishing, but the other book might be a waste of your
money. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh
Users Group.
Name = UnTrueType
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:UnTrueType
Size: 8K Date: 5/11/91 Version:
This is an opinion piece subtitled "What's (Still) Wrong With Apple's Style
Menu?" It contains a critique of some of the problems inherent in Apple's
system of installing and choosing fonts and styles. The author sees
continuing problems that Apple's new TrueType release makes worse. There
are solutions, but Apple has to make some changes. Several illustrations
are included.
Name = Understanding File Formats
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Understanding File Formats
Size: 24K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Understanding File Formats - This is an update of an article that appeared
here a couple of years back. It was popular then, but the new version
expands on some of the themes and updates its examples to reflect today's
graphics programs. Includes graphic examples. Reprinted from Mac Monitor,
newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Using Japanese on Mac
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Using Japanese on Mac
Size:252K Date:11/20/93 Version:
Using Japanese on Mac - This resource guide provides you with adequate
information to make informed decisions when you want to use the Japanese
language on the Apple Macintosh computer. Topics covered in this guide
include hardware requirements, available software for word processing,
communications, and Japanese language learning, as well as some tips for
troubleshooting. These topics take the easy-to-read "Questions and Answers"
format. This guide was compiled for students at Georgetown University, but
it should be useful to any Japanese speaker living in North America.
Name = Verbum Books
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Verbum Books
Size: 5K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Verbum Books - The Verbum Book of Digital Typography and the Verbum Book of
Digital Painting are examined in this reprint from Mac Monitor, newsletter
of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = WealthBuilder Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:WealthBuilder Review
Size: 21K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
WealthBuilder Review - WealthBuilder 2.0 picks up where Quicken, MacMoney,
and Managing Your Money leave off, providing the user with the tools to do
long-range financial planning and portfolio management. Reprinted from Mac
Monitor, newsletter of The Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = Word 5 Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Word 5 Review
Size: 38K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
Word 5 Review - The Good, The Bad, and the Upgrade by Ken Gruberman.
Every day for the past few months I have been repeatedly asked the same
question. Either on the phone, or in passing, or even on an online service,
the question is always the same: “What do you think of Word 5? Should I pay
for the upgrade? Is it worth the money?” From the MacValley Voice.
Name = WordSearch
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:WordSearch
Size: 20K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
WordSearch - Word Search Puzzle by Wendy Marchuck, President, Motor City
Macintosh User Group, P.O. Box 2513, Dearborn, MI 48123. The word search
contains the names of 20 different Macintosh shareware programs. The catch
is that the file names aren't provided (except for the answers as I'll
provide below), just the files' descriptions. The player will see how well
he knows the names of these 20 popular files.
Name = Works Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:Works Review
Size: 32K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
Works Review - There has been renewed interest in integrated software
packages since the release of the PowerBooks. This is a complete and
readable review of the latest version of Microsoft's offering in that
arena. There are many small illustrations showing controls and tool
palettes. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, award-winning newsletter of The
Savannah Macintosh Users Group.
Name = XStyle Review
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:XStyle Review
Size: 9K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
XStyle Review - Style sheets are one of the most powerful -- and most
maddening -- of QuarkXPress' features. XStyle offers a solution in a handy,
drop-in Xtension. If you or any of your readers uses QuarkXPress, this
article is a must. The author is Professor of Computer Art at The Savannah
College of Art and Design, where he teaches courses in XPress, among other
programs. Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh
Users Group.
Name = YearEndNews
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:YearEndNews
Size: 7K Date:12/29/92 Version:
YearEndNews - Attached is a 12K text file with year-end news filler for
your newsletters.
Name = You're Not Alone
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:You're Not Alone
Size: 12K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
You're Not Alone - This article, from the September MacValley Voice, was
written in response to the growing number of Mac users (both new and
veteran) whose Macs do strange things for no explanation. Most people
needlessly blame themselves when this happens. The article examines what
(and who) the REAL culprits are, the "Myths of the Mac" and what people can
do to become better Mac users. Especially relevant for new users! Apple
Computer may not like this article, but you will! 3400 words, Word 5.
Name = ZP4 w/ Illustrations
Path = Trilogy II:Files:Mag:T-Z:ZP4 w/ Illustrations
Size: 27K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
ZP4 w/ Illustrations - contains a review of ZP4 from Joe Tvedt in the AMUG
newsletter. Includes text and picts.